Subtraction of Decimal Fractions

In subtraction of decimal fractions we will discuss here how to subtract one decimal from the other decimal.

Subtraction of decimal numbers are similar to subtraction of whole numbers. We convert them to like decimals and place the numbers vertically one below the other in such a way that the decimal point lies exactly on the vertical line. Subtract as usual as we learnt in the case of whole numbers.

The rules of subtracting decimal numbers are:

(i) Write the digits of the given numbers one below the other such that the decimal points are in the same vertical line.

(ii) Subtract as we subtract whole numbers.

Let us consider some of the examples on subtraction of decimal numbers.

1. Subtract 8.93 from 13.94.

Here, all the decimal fractions are in like decimals. 

13.94 - 8.93

Write 8.93 below 13.94 and the decimal points are placed in the same vertical line and then subtract in the same way as we do in case of whole numbers.

Subtraction of Decimal Fractions

Atlast place the decimal point in the result in line with the other decimal points.

2. Subtract 191.765 from 843.92.

First change the decimal fraction to like decimals, 191.765 has three decimal places so convert  843.92 into 843.920.

843.920 - 191.765

Write 191.765 below 843.920 and the decimal points are placed in the same vertical line and then subtract in the same way as we do in case of whole numbers.

Subtracting Decimals

Atlast, place the decimal point in the result in line with the other decimal points.

3. Find 492 kg 500 g - 283 kg 650 g.

Here, all the decimal fractions are in like decimals.

492.500 - 283.650

Now write 283.650 below 492.500 and the decimal points are placed in the same vertical line and then subtract in the same way as we do in case of whole numbers.

Decimal Fraction

Atlast, place the decimal point in the result in line with the other decimal points.

Subtraction of Decimal Fractions

4. Find 10.0008 - 0.007

First change the decimal fraction to like decimals, 10.0008 has four decimal places so convert  0.007 into 0.0070.

10.0008 - 0.0070

Now subtract as usual,

Subtracting Decimal Fractions

5. Subtract 17.053 from 81.519

Here, all the decimal fractions are in like decimals.

81.519 - 17.053

Now subtract as usual,

Subtraction of Decimal Fractions

6. Subtract $64.75 from $74.50

Here, all the decimal fractions are in like decimals.

74.50 – 64.75

Now subtract as usual,

Subtracting Decimals

7. Subtract 81 kg 753 g from 189 kg 843 g

189.843 – 81.753

Now arrange the decimal numbers in vertical line and subtract as usual,

Subtract Decimals

8. Subtract 93.05 from 98.1

Change the decimal fractions to like decimal fractions.

98.10 - 93.05

Now arrange the decimal numbers in vertical line and subtract as usual.

Subtraction of Decimal Fractions

9. Subtract 14.83 from 70

Change the decimal fractions to like decimal fractions.

70.00 – 14.83

Now subtract as usual.

Subtraction of Decimal Fractions

10. Subtract 79.79 from 89

Change the decimal fractions to like decimal fractions.

89.00 – 79.79

Now subtract as usual.

Subtraction of Decimal Fractions

Atlast, place the decimal point in the result in line with the other decimal points.

Decimal Subtraction

11. Subtract 6.156 from 8.8


Converting the given decimals into like decimals, we get 6.156 and 8.800

Hence, 8.800 - 6.156 = 2.644.

Working Rules for Subtraction of Decimals:

For subtraction of decimals, we have to follow these steps:

Step I: Change the given decimal into like decimals.

Step II: Write the numbers in columns, so that decimal points should come in one column.

Step III: Now, subtract the decimals just as we subtract the whole numbers.

Step IV: Put the decimal in the difference directly under the decimal points of all the decimals.

Solved Example on Subtraction of Decimals:

1. Subtract 36.314 from 49.69.


Converting into like decimals.

49.69   → 49.690

36.314 → 36.314

      49 . 690

   -  36 . 314

      13 . 376

Therefore, 49.69 - 36.314 = 13.376

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