Round off to Nearest 100
In round off to nearest 100 we will learn how to round the number to the nearest hundred.
Rules for Rounding off to the Nearest 100:
Rule I: While rounding off to the nearest hundred, if the digit in the tens place is between 0 – 4 i.e. < 5, then the tens place is replaced by ‘0’.
Rule II: If the digit in the units place is equal to or >5, then the tens place is replaced by ‘0’ and the hundreds place is increased by 1.
Examples on rounding off to the nearest hundred (100):
1. (i) 142 → 100
We see the digit in the tens place is 2, we round to the nearest multiple of hundred which is less than the number. Hence, 142 is nearer to 100 than 200.
(ii) 486 → 500
We see the digit in the tens place is 8, we round to the nearest multiple of hundred which is greater than the number. Hence, 486 is nearer to 500 than 400.
(iii) 799 → 800
We see the digit in the tens place is 9, we round to the nearest multiple of hundred which is greater than the number. Hence, 799 is nearer to 800 than 700.
(iv) 4387 → 4400
We see the digit in the tens place is 8, we round to the nearest multiple of hundred which is greater than the number. Hence, 4387 is nearer to 4400 than 4300.
(v) 950 → 1000
We see the digit in the tens place is 5, we round to the nearest multiple of hundred which is greater than the number. Hence, 950 is nearer to 1000 than 900.
2. Round off 7,45,677 to the nearest 100.
We choose the two multiple of 100 just greater than and just
less than 7,45,677 on the number line.
We observe that 7,45,677 is closer to 7,45,700. So, it is rounded down to 7,45,700.
Round off to Nearest 100
Step I: Replace ones and tens digits by zeroes.
Step II: If tens digit is 5 or more than 5, increase the hundreds digit by 1, otherwise do not change.
Step III: Leave rest of the digits unchanged.
3. Round off to the nearest hundred: 5486
4. Round off to the nearest hundred: 28436
5. Round off the given numbers to nearest 100.
(i) 3398
(ii) 39,872
(iii) 6201
(iv) 19,661
(v) 15,449
(vi) 82,069
(vii) 1,00,678
(viii) 19,32,208
5. (i) 3400
(ii) 39,900
(iii) 6200
(iv) 19,700
(v) 15,400
(vi) 82,100
(vii) 1,00,700
(viii) 19,32,200
6. Round off to the nearest hundred:
(i) 625
(ii) 42753
(iii) 2876
(iv) 67527
(v) 3456
(vi) 1281
6. (i) 600
(ii) 42800
(iii) 2900
(iv) 67500
(v) 3500
(vi) 1300
7. An author sold 45,379 copies of book. For the newspaper
report, the figure was rounded to nearest 100. What was the figure given in the
Answer: 45,400
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