Measurement of Time

We know that the measurement of time is read by a clock or a watch.

Any clock or watch except a digital watch, has a dial. On the circular border of the dial of a watch or clock there are the hour numbers from 1 to 12 at equal intervals. Between the two numbers there are five divisions. Each division represents a minute.

Measurement of Time

There are two hands of different lengths having one of the ends fixed at the center of the dial. The small hand is the hour hand and longer hand is the minute hand. The hour-hand moves slower than the minute hand. There is also a third hand called the second-hand. It moves very fast.

The hour hand makes one round of the dial in 12 hours. It moves from one number to its nearest number in one hour, i.e., the hour hand goes from 12 to 1 or 1 to 2 or 2 to 3, ........ etc., in one hour.

The minute hand makes one round of the dial in 1 hour. It moves across one division in one minute or five divisions in 5 minutes.

If there is a second-hand, it makes one round of the dial in one minute, i.e. it moves across one division in one second.

On this basis we say:

1 hour = 60 minutes                      or           60 minutes = 1 hour

1 minute = 60 seconds                   or           60 seconds = 1 minute

1 hour = 60 minutes = 60 x 60       or           3600 seconds

We know that the face of the clock is marked with the numbers from 1 to 12, which divide the clock face into 12 equal parts. These 12 parts are further divided into 60 small divisions. So, there are 5 small divisions between any two numbers on the clock face. The minute hand takes 5 minutes to move from one number to the next number. We have learnt how to read the time correct to 5 minutes.

We see the time by a watch or a clock.

The long hand is the minute hand.

The short hand is the hour hand.

Look at the clock.

5 o' Clock

The long hand is at 12.

The short hand is at 5.

The time is 5 o'clock.

We read 5 o'clock as five o'clock.

We write 5 o'clock as 5:00.


o'clock means 'of the clock.

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