2nd grade math worksheet 6 for kids is based on numbers and numeration and also fundamental operation. Recall and revise the sheet to practice the questions on numbers.
1. There are numbers from 21 to 31.
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
(i) Encircle every fifth number beginning from 21.
(ii) Which is the 7ᵗʰ number from 21?
2. Write the numbers in numerals:
(i) Twenty nine ________.
(ii) 7 hundreds 2 tens and three ________.
3. How many digits are there in the following numbers:
(i) 10 ________.
(ii) 1000 ________.
(iii) 999 ________.
4. Find the number if one is subtracted from the following:
(i) 99 ________.
(ii) 1000 ________.
(iii) 101 ________.
5. Write the expanded form of the following:
(i) 579 __________________________________.
(ii) 974 __________________________________.
6. Write > or < in between the two given numbers:
(i) 789 _____ 987
(ii) 999 _____ 99
8. Subtract:
9. A number is 96 more than 365. Find the number.
10. My father had $367 with him. He gave my brother $279. How much money is now left with him?
Children can practice 2nd grade math worksheet 6 to make their base strong in math and also to increase knowledge. Try to answers on your own.
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Worksheet on Numbers from 200 to 299:
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Worksheet on Subtracting Three Digit:
Worksheet on Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers with Borrowing:
Worksheet on Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers with Borrowing:
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Worksheet on Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow:
Worksheet on Rupees and Paise:
Worksheet on Sum and Difference of Rupees and Paise:
Worksheet on Sum and Difference of Money:
2nd Grade Fundamental Operations:
2nd Grade Math Practice
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