Worksheet on Addition and Subtraction of Measuring Capacity

Practice the worksheet on addition and subtraction of measuring capacity in liter and milliliter. The questions are related to add, subtract and word problems on finding the sum and difference to measure the capacity of any vessel or container.

1. A container contains 15 glasses of oil. If the capacity of a glass is one liter, find the capacity of the container.

2. Add the following:

(i) 15 l + 10 l = ____ l

(ii) 25 l + 125 l = ____ l

(iii) 37 ml + 322 ml = ____ ml

(iv) 145 ml + 354 ml = ____ ml

(v) 9 l + 200 ml + 4 l 500 ml = ____ l ____ ml

(vi) 22 l + 250 ml + 44 l 150 ml = ____ l ____ ml

(vii) 12 l + 375 ml + 18 l 425 ml = ____ l ____ ml

(viii) 45 l + 225 ml + 15 l 625 ml = ____ l ____ ml            

(ix) 74 l + 135 l = ____ l

(x) 372 l + 515 l = ____ l

(xi) 93 l + 125 ml + 102 l 223 ml = ____ l ____ ml

(xii) 500 l + 224 l = ____ l

3. Add the following capacities.

(i) 45 ℓ 632 mℓ, 7 ℓ 10 mℓ and 12 ℓ 49 mℓ

(ii) 72 ℓ 195 mℓ, 5 ℓ 752 mℓ and 12 ℓ 600 mℓ

(iii) 67 ℓ 800 mℓ, 15 ℓ 250 mℓ and 6 ℓ 275 mℓ

(iv) 126 ℓ 806 mℓ, 205 ℓ 170 mℓ and 24 ℓ 253 mℓ

(v) 367 ℓ 95 mℓ, 560 ℓ 180 mℓ and 52 ℓ 245 mℓ

(vi) 29 ℓ 300 mℓ, 18 ℓ 290 mℓ and 34 ℓ 410 mℓ

(vii) 59 ℓ 380 mℓ, 19 ℓ 260 mℓ and 110 ℓ 490 mℓ

(viii) 11 ℓ 900 mℓ, 30 ℓ 200 mℓ and 175 ℓ 750 mℓ

(ix) 33 ℓ 800 mℓ, 101 ℓ 180 mℓ and 49 ℓ 350 mℓ

4. Find the sum of the following:

(i) 23 ℓ 567 mℓ and 27 ℓ 497 mℓ

(ii) 123 ℓ 567 mℓ and 396 ℓ 450 mℓ

(iii) 78 ℓ 193 mℓ, 34 ℓ 497 mℓ and 49 ℓ 497 mℓ

(iv) 436 ℓ 784 mℓ and 34 ℓ 278 mℓ

(v) 13 ℓ 288 mℓ, 65 ℓ 650 mℓ and 18 ℓ 325 mℓ

(vi) 44 ℓ 510 mℓ and 65 ℓ 380 mℓ

5. Subtract the following:

(i) 19 l - 12 l = ___ l

(ii) 28 l – 12 l = ___ l

(iii) 163 l – 22 l = ___ l

(iv) 569 l – 325 l = ___ l

(v) 988 ml – 783 l = ___ ml

(vi) 271 ml – 200 ml = ___ ml

(vii) 947 ml – 947 ml = ___ ml

(viii) 630 ml – 320 ml = ___ ml

6. Subtract the following capacities:

(i) 89 ℓ 510 mℓ - 39 ℓ 100 mℓ

(ii) 160 ℓ 155 mℓ - 32 ℓ 50 mℓ

(iii) 745 ℓ 180 mℓ - 83 ℓ 25 mℓ

(iv) 674 ℓ 943 mℓ - 179 ℓ 34 mℓ

(v) 405 ℓ 600 mℓ - 245 ℓ 450 mℓ

(vi) 783 ℓ 479 mℓ - 364 ℓ 507 mℓ

(vii) 584 ℓ 223 mℓ - 275 ℓ 99 mℓ

(viii) 470 ℓ 300 mℓ - 298 ℓ 550 mℓ

(ix) 510 ℓ 350 mℓ - 209 ℓ 120 mℓ

(x) 302 ℓ 160 mℓ - 91 ℓ 40 mℓ

(xi) 615 ℓ 560 mℓ - 125 ℓ 310 mℓ

(xii) 705 ℓ 620 mℓ - 64 ℓ 240 mℓ

7. Find the difference of the following capacities:

(i) 237 ℓ 148 mℓ from 456 ℓ 890 mℓ

(ii) 348 ℓ 987 mℓ from 987 ℓ 700 mℓ

(iii) 78 ℓ 450 mℓ from 133 ℓ 300 mℓ

(iv) 26 ℓ 378 mℓ from 653 ℓ 475 mℓ

(v) 578 ℓ 500 mℓ from 947 ℓ 345 mℓ

(vi) 96 ℓ 860 mℓ from 210 ℓ 400 mℓ

8. In a bucket there are 15 liters of water and in another bucket there are 11 ters of water. How much waliter is there in the two buckets?

9. From a petrol pump 400 liters of petrol was sold on Saturday and 500 liters on Sunday. How much petrol was sold in all on both the days?

10. A jug contains 450 ml of milk. 50 ml of water is added to it. Find how much mixed milk is there in the jug.

11. A tank holds 585 liters of water. 255 liters of water is pumped out from it. How much quantity of water is now left in the tank?

12. The petrol tank of a car has a capacity of 30 liters of petrol. 12 liters of it is consumed. How much petrol is in the tank of the car now?

13. A shopkeeper has a stock of 315 liters of kerosene oil. He sold 205 liters kerosene oil. How much oil is now in stock?

14. There is 450 liters water in a tank. In another tank there is 340 liters water. Which water-tank has more water and by how much?

15. Subtract 115 liters from 227 liters.

Answers for the worksheet on addition and subtraction of measuring capacity are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.


1. 15 l

2. (i) 25 l

(ii) 150 l

(iii) 359 ml

(iv) 499 ml

(v) 13 l 700 ml

(vi) 66 l 400 ml

(vii) 30 l 800 ml

(viii) 60 l 850 ml            

(ix) 209 l

(x) 887 l

(xi) 195 l 348 ml

(xii) 724 l

3. (i) 64 ℓ 691 mℓ,

(ii) 90 ℓ 547 mℓ

(iii) 89 ℓ 325 mℓ

(iv) 356 ℓ 229 mℓ

(v) 979 ℓ 520 mℓ

(vi) 82 ℓ

(vii) 189 ℓ 130 mℓ

(viii) 217 ℓ 850 mℓ

(ix) 184 ℓ 330 mℓ

4. (i) 51 ℓ 64 mℓ

(ii) 520 ℓ 17 mℓ

(iii) 162 ℓ 187 mℓ

(iv) 471 ℓ 62 mℓ

(v) 97 ℓ 263 mℓ

(vi) 109 ℓ 890 mℓ

5. (i) 31 l

(ii) 16 l

(iii) 141 l

(iv) 244 l

(v) 205 ml

(vi) 71 ml

(vii) 0 ml

(viii) 310 ml

6. (i) 50 ℓ 410 mℓ

(ii) 128 ℓ 105 mℓ

(iii) 662 ℓ 155 mℓ

(iv) 495 ℓ 909 mℓ

(v) 160 ℓ 150 mℓ

(vi) 418 ℓ 972 mℓ

(vii) 309 ℓ 124 mℓ

(viii) 172 ℓ 750 mℓ

(ix) 301 ℓ 230 mℓ

(x) 211 ℓ 120 mℓ

(xi) 490 ℓ 250 mℓ

(xii) 641 ℓ 380 mℓ

7. (i) 219 ℓ 742 mℓ

(ii) 638 ℓ 713 mℓ

(iii) 54 ℓ 850

(iv) 627 ℓ 97 mℓ

(v) 368 ℓ 845 mℓ

(vi) 113 ℓ 540 mℓ 

8. 26 liters.

9. 900 liters.

10. 500 ml.

11. 330 liters.

12. 18 liters.

13. 110 liters.

14. First water-tank is more by 110 liters.

15. 112 liters.

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