Counting Before, After and Between Numbers up to 10

Counting before, after and between numbers up to 10 improves the child’s counting skills. In this kindergarten learning activities kids will learn to find the before, after and between numbers in math. Number counting is the basic math skill that will help your child to recognize the order of the numbers.

Counting Before, After and Between Numbers up to 10

On the number-line –

                          number 4 is before number 5,

                          number 6 is after number 5,

                          number 5 is between number 4 and 6.

Before, After and Between up to 5:

What comes before?

What comes just before 3?

2 comes just before 3.

2 comes just before 3.

Number Line 1 to 5

What comes just before 5?

4 comes just before 5.

4 comes just before 5.

Number Line 1 to 5

What comes after?

What comes just after 2?

3 comes just after 2.

3 comes just after 2.

3 Comes Just After 2

What comes just after 3?

4 comes just after 3.

4 comes just after 3.

4 Comes Just After 3

What comes between?

What comes between 1 and 3?

2 comes between 1 and 3.

2 comes between

2 Comes Between 1 and 3

What comes between 3 and 5?

4 comes between 3 and 5.

4 comes between

4 Comes Between 3 and 5

Before, After and Between up to 20:

Look at the number line shown below.

Before, After and Between up to 20

What comes before?

What comes just before 12?

11 comes just before 12.

11 comes just before 12.

11 Comes Just Before 12

What comes just before 20?

19 comes just before 20.

19 comes just before 20.

19 Comes Just Before 20

What comes after?

What comes just after 13?

14 comes just after 13.

14 comes just after 13.

14 Comes Just After 13

What comes just after 18?

19 comes just after 18.

19 comes just after 18.

19 Comes Just After 18

What comes between?

What comes between 13 and 15?

14 comes between 13 and 15.

14 comes between

14 Comes Between 13 and 15

What comes between 16 and 18?

17 comes between 16 and 18.

17 comes between

17 Comes Between 16 and 18
Before After Between Numbers

11 is before 12.

11 is after 10.

11 is between 10 and 12.

Before After Between

Examples on before, after and between numbers up to 10:

1. What comes before 3?

What comes before 3?

come before 3.

2. What comes after 7?

What comes after 7?

come after 7.

3. What comes in between 4 and 6?

What comes in between 4 and 6?

come in between 4 and 6.

4. What comes before 8?

What comes before 8?

come before 8.

5. What comes in between 7 and 9?

What comes in between 7 and 9?

come in between 7 and 9.

6. What comes in between 1 and 3?

What comes in between 1 and 3?

come in between 1 and 3.

7. What comes after 9?

What comes after 9?

10 come after 9.

8. What comes in between 8 and 10?

What comes in between 8 and 10?

come in between 8 and 10.

9. Write the number that comes just before.

Number that Comes Just Before

6 come before 7.

8 come before 9.

5 come before 6.

3 come before 4.

10. Write the number that comes just before.

Number that Comes Just After

6 come just after 5.

4 come just after 3.

9 come just after 8.

10 come just after 9.

11. Write the number that comes in between the given numbers.

Number that Comes in Between the given Numbers

6 come in between 5 and 7.

5 come in between 4 and 6.

4 come in between 3 and 5.

9 come in between 8 and 10.

3 come in between 2 and 4.

7 come in between 6 and 8.

Read the numbers on the flowers.

After Before Between

12. Write the number that comes

(i) after 3     _____

(ii) before 7     _____

(iii) between 2 and 4     _____

(iv) after 5     _____

(v) before 9     _____

(vi) between 5 and 7     _____

(vii) before 7 and after 5     _____

(viii) before 10 and after 8     _____

12. Write the number

After Before Between Numbers

13. Write the numbers that come before and after the given number.

Before and After Numbers

14. Write the numbers:

Before After Between

15. What comes before?

(i) _____ 12

(ii) _____ 8

(iii) _____ 19

(iv) _____ 15

(v) _____ 20

16. What comes between?

(i) 5 _____ 7

(ii) 11 _____ 13

(iii) 17 _____ 19

(iv) 8 _____ 10

(v) 13 _____ 15

17. What comes after?

(i) 2 _____

(ii) 17 _____

(iii) 11 _____

(iv) 9 _____

(v) 6 _____

Before, After and Between with 3-Digit Numbers:

1. Look at the following colour code and colour the spaces as instructed to know the flags of various countries:

Blue:       If the number is between 1 and 40.

Red:        If the number is between 105 and 124.

Orange:   If the number is between 201 and 243.

White:     If the number is between 451 and 498.

Yellow:     If the number is between 510 and 540.

Green:     If the number is between 718 and 769.

Before, After and Between with 3-Digit Numbers

2. What comes before?









 _____     146

 _____     293

 _____     362

 _____     409

 _____     530

 _____     612

 _____     766

 _____     999


2. (i) 145

(ii) 292

(iii) 361

(iv) 408

(v) 529

(vi) 611

(vii) 765

(viii) 998

3 What comes between?









 126     _____     128

 249     _____     251

 312     _____     314

 457     _____     459

 541     _____     543

 649     _____     651

 708     _____     710

 900     _____     902


3. (i) 127

(ii) 250

(iii) 313

(iv) 458

(v) 542

(vi) 650

(vii) 709

(viii) 901

4. What comes after?









 733     _____

 252     _____

 390     _____

 412     _____

 532     _____

 666     _____

 709     _____

 981     _____


4. (i) 734

(ii) 253

(iii) 391

(iv) 413

(v) 533

(vi) 667

(vii) 710

(viii) 982

Math Only Math is based on the premise that children do not make a distinction between play and work and learn best when learning becomes play and play becomes learning.

However, suggestions for further improvement, from all quarters would be greatly appreciated.

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Kindergarten Math Activities 

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