Ascending Order or Descending Order

In math ascending order or descending order kids will learn to arrange the numbers from bigger to smaller number and also from smaller to bigger number.

Arranging in order:

Arranging the following from small to big.

Arrange in Order Small to Big

Small to Big:

Arrange the numbers from small to big. One is done for you.

Small to Big Numbers

Ascending Order:

When the numbers are arranged from the smallest to the largest number, those numbers are said to be in an ascending order.

For example:

1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order from 5 to 11.

      5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

[the numbers are arranged from the smallest to the largest number]

2. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order:

(i) 14, 78, 56, 44

(ii) 63, 32, 45, 60

Numbers in Ascending Order
Ascending Order or Descending Order

Arranging in order:

Arranging the following from big to small.

Arrange in Order Big to Small

Big to Small:

Arrange the numbers from big to small. One is done for you.

Big to Small Numbers

Descending Order:

When the numbers are arranged from the largest to the smallest number, those numbers are said to be in descending order.

For example:

1. Arrange the numbers in descending order from 23 to 17.

      23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17

[the numbers are arranged from the largest to the smallest number]

2. Arrange the following numbers in descending order:

(i) 24, 84, 19, 65

(ii) 50, 20, 60, 70

Numbers in Descending Order
Descending Order

Worksheet on Ascending Order or Descending Order:

1. Arrange the given numbers in ascending order.

(i) 25, 22, 39, 36, 52

(ii) 85, 91, 36, 29, 44


1. (i) 22, 25, 36, 39, 52

(ii) 29, 36, 44, 85, 91

2. Arrange the given numbers in descending order.

(i) 65, 88, 74, 35, 5

(ii) 27, 45, 8, 31, 75


2. (i) 88, 74, 65, 35, 5

(ii) 75, 45, 31, 27, 8

3. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order:

(i) 26, 32, 62, 13, 40

(ii) 28, 82, 42, 99, 95

(iii) 77, 66, 55, 32, 44

(iv) 63, 72, 55, 42, 95

(v) 14, 28, 41, 80, 15


3. (i) 13, 26, 32, 40, 62

(ii) 28, 42, 82, 95, 99

(iii) 32, 44, 55, 66, 77

(iv) 42, 55, 63, 72, 95

(v) 14, 15, 28, 41, 80

4. Arrange the following numbers in descending order:

(i) 30, 10, 9, 50, 19

(ii) 19, 21, 60, 40, 22

(iii) 44, 96, 29, 79, 73

(iv) 32, 40, 31, 49, 75

(v) 41, 14, 20, 50, 36


4. (i) 50, 30, 19, 10, 9

(ii) 60, 40, 22, 21, 19

(iii) 96, 79, 73, 44, 29

(iv) 75, 49, 40, 32, 31

(v) 50, 41, 36, 20, 14

5. Arrange the numbers in ascending and descending orders.

Ascending Order

Descending Order

(i) 76, 10, 39, 54

(ii)  65, 37, 74, 12

(iii) 33, 52, 46, 64

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___


5. (i) Ascending Order: 10, 39, 54, 76

        Descending Order: 76, 54, 39, 10

(ii) Ascending Order: 12, 37, 65, 74

     Descending Order: 74, 65, 37, 12

(iii) Ascending Order: 64, 52, 46, 33

      Descending Order: 33, 46, 52, 64

6. In the national park in X, Y and Z numbers of deers found are 126, 182 and 202. Arrange the cities in ascending order for the population of deers.


6. X, Y, Z

Ascending Order up to 50

7. Arrange the numbers in ascending order. One has been done for you.

Ascending Order up to 50


7. (ii) 13, 36, 40, 42, 49

(iii) 22, 26, 32, 47, 49

(iv) 25, 36, 39, 44, 50

Descending Order up to 50

8. Arrange the numbers in descending order. One has been done for you.

Descending Order up to 50


8. (ii) 37, 35, 33, 32, 30

(iii) 49, 47, 45, 43, 41

(iv) 50, 43, 27, 15, 9

Parent and teachers are requested to take the print-out of this worksheet on ascending order or descending order so that children can practice arranging the numbers. Before practicing this worksheet kids need to read the above lines, understand and then quickly grab a pencil to enjoy arranging the numbers. If the children is a visual learner they can also follow the direction of the colorful picture to understand it in math logical way.

1. What is Ascending and Descending Order?


Numbers are arranged from the smallest to the greatest in increasing order and from the greatest to the smallest in decreasing order. Increasing order is also called ascending order and decreasing order is also called descending order.

2. Write the numbers 47, 63, 17 and 88 in ascending order.


Identify and write the smallest number first.     → 17

Identify and write the smallest number among the remaining, that is, 47, 63 and 88.     → 47

Identify and write the smaller of the remaining two, that is, 63 and 88.      → 63

The last number left is 88. Write it.     → 88

Ascending order: 17 < 47 < 63 < 88.

3. Write the numbers 29, 40, 92 and 21 in descending order.


Let us Identify and write the greatest number first.      → 92

Identify and write the greatest number among the remaining, that is, 29, 40 and 21.     → 40

Identify and write the greater of the remaining two, that is, 29 and 21.     → 29

The last number left is 21. Write it.     → 21

Descending order: 92 > 40 > 29 > 21.

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