Now we will learn simple Vertical Addition of 1-digit number by arranging them one number under the other number.
How to add 1-digit number vertically?
Here we added 2 plus 5? (Follow the steps along with the above picture)
(i) Now we will write that as an addition problem arranging vertically.
(ii) Beside the first number we will put two strokes since the first number is 2.
(iii) Beside the second number we will put five strokes since the second number is 5.
(iv) Count the strokes beside the two numbers together to get the answer.
(v) The answer is 7.
I. Addition of Numbers upto 10:
1. Add vertically by counting together. one has been done for you.
(i) |
2 ● ● + 3 ● ● ● 5 |
(ii) |
3 ● ● ● + 4 ● ● ● ●
(iii) |
3 ● ● ● + 3 ● ● ●
(iv) |
5 ● ● ● ● ● + 2 ● ●
(v) |
2 ● ● + 6 ● ● ● ● ● ●
(vi) |
7 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● + 2 ● ●
(vii) |
4 ● ● ● ● + 4 ● ● ● ●
(viii) |
1 ● + 5 ● ● ● ● ●
(ix) |
3 ● ● ● + 6 ● ● ● ● ● ●
(x) |
6 ● ● ● ● ● ● + 1 ●
2. Fill in the boxes.
(i) |
1 + 5 ☐ |
(ii) |
3 + 4 ☐ |
(iii) |
4 + 2 ☐ |
(iv) |
2 + 3 ☐ |
(v) |
2 + 2 ☐ |
(vi) |
5 + 4 ☐ |
(vii) |
7 + 0 ☐ |
(viii) |
1 + 7 ☐ |
(ix) |
3 + 6 ☐ |
(x) |
1 + 6 ☐ |
4. James rolled a ludo dice. The dice fell like this. can you tell the sum of three number you cannot see? |
5. Fill in the blanks. Do the addition sums vertically. One has been done for you.
(i) Robert had 2 pens. 2
His father gave him 3 more pens + 3
Robert has 5 pencils now. 5
(ii) Michael had 3 kites.
David gave him 5 more kites +
Michael has _____ kites now.
(iii) William has 4 balls.
Richard has 2 balls +
Together they have _____ balls.
(iv) 5 parrots were sitting on a tree.
5 more parrots came. +
Now there are _____ parrots on the tree.
(v) There are 7 bananas in a plate.
and 2 bananas in the second plate. +
There are _____ bananas in all.
II. Addition of Numbers upto 20:
(i) |
1 + 5 ☐ |
(ii) |
3 + 4 ☐ |
7. Fill in the blanks. Do the addition sums vertically.
(i) Robert had 14 marbles. Michael gave him 5 marbles. Robert has _____ marbles now. |
_____ +
(ii) There were 12 apples in a tray. Garima kept 6 more apples in it. Now there are _____ apples in the tray. |
_____ +
(iii) There were 13 fish in the tank. 3 more fish were put in the tank. There are _____ fish in the tank now. |
_____ +
(iv) There were 10 children in the room. 5 more children came in. There are _____ children in the room now. |
_____ +
(v) Robert had 11 books with him. His father gave him 6 more books. Robert has _____ books with him now. |
_____ +
(vi) 32 students were watching a match. 10 more students join them. There are _____ students watching the match now. |
_____ +
(vii) There were 54 cycles at the cycle stand. 12 more cycles were kept at the stand. Now there are _____ cycles in all at the stand. |
_____ +
(viii) James had 73 toffees with him. His father gave him 15 more toffees. James has _____ toffees now. |
_____ +
(ix) 24 boys were swimming in the swimming pool. 15 more boys join them. _____ boys are swimming now. |
_____ +
(x) There were 46 marbles in a bowl. 12 more marbles were put in it. There are _____ marbles in the bowl now. |
_____ +
Addition Word Problems - 1-Digit Numbers
Subtraction Word Problems – 1-Digit Numbers
Missing Addend Sums with 1-Digit Number
Addition Facts of 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
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