In math place value the worksheet on tens and ones questions are given below so that students can do enough practice which will help the kids to learn further numbers.
Tens Ones
32 = 3 2
43 = ____ ____
50 = ____ ____
46 = ____ ____
37 = ____ ____
24 = ____ ____
27 = ____ ____
30 = ____ ____
22 = ____ ____
Tens Ones
4 0 = 40
3 5 = ____
4 1 = ____
2 9 = ____
3 3 = ____
2 0 = ____
4 9 = ____
3 6 = ____
4 5 = ____
Fifty six = 5 tens 6 ones
Seventy eight = ____ tens ____ ones
Eighty five = ____ tens ____ ones
Sixty nine = ____ tens ____ ones
Seventy two = ____ tens ____ ones
Ninety one = ____ tens ____ ones
Ninety eight = ____ tens ____ ones
Sixty two = ____ tens ____ ones
Fifty nine = ____ tens ____ ones
Seventy seven = ____ tens ____ ones
Seventy = ____ tens ____ ones
Seventy eight = ____ tens ____ ones
Eighty seven = ____ tens ____ ones
Sixty five = ____ tens ____ ones
Fifty one = ____ tens ____ ones
Ninety nine = ____ tens ____ ones
Seventy three = ____ tens ____ ones
Sixty four = ____ tens ____ ones
Fifty five = ____ tens ____ ones
Tens and Ones:
4. Make a group of 1 ten and write the number in the box (up to 50). One has been done for you.
5. Make a group of 1 ten and write the number in the box (From 50 to 100). One has been done for you.
6. Count and write the number. One has been done for you.
7. Write the numbers and the number value (up to 50). One has been done for you.
2 tens and 5 ones |
25 |
Twenty-five |
2 tens and 3 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
2 tens and 9 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
3 tens and 0 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
3 tens and 7 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
3 tens and 9 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
4 tens and 0 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
4 tens and 4 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
4 tens and 6 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
5 tens and 0 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
8. Write the numbers and the number value (From 50 to 100). One has been done for you.
5 tens and 2 ones |
52 |
Fifty-two |
5 tens and 4 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
5 tens and 8 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
6 tens and 0 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
6 tens and 5 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
6 tens and 8 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
7 tens and 1 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
7 tens and 3 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
8 tens and 8 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
9 tens and 0 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
9 tens and 7 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
10 tens and 0 ones |
_____ |
_______________ |
9. See the picture carefully and fill in the blanks. One has been done for you.
10. Write the following numbers in expanded form. One has been done for you:
(i) 72 = _7_ tens and _2_ ones = _70_ + _2_
(ii) 44 = ___ tens and ___ ones = ___ + ___
(iii) 60 = ___ tens and ___ ones = ___ + ___
(iv) 81 = ___ tens and ___ ones = ___ + ___
11. Write the short form for each of the following. One has been done for you:
(i) 8 tens + 2 ones = _80_ + _2_ = _82_
(ii) 50 + 3 = ___ + ___ = ___
(iii) 4 tens + 6 ones = ___ + ___ = ___
(iv) 70 + 9 = ___ + ___ = ___
These questions on math worksheet on tens and ones in numbers will help the first grade kids to understand and practice the place value of numbers from 1 to 99.
Numbers - Worksheet
Greater or Less than and Equal to
Ascending Order or Descending Order
First Grade Math Activities
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