Vertical Subtraction

Vertical subtraction of 1-digit number are done by arranging the numbers column wise i.e., one number under the other number.

How to subtract 1-digit number vertically?

1. Here we subtracted 1 from 4? (Follow the steps along with the above picture)

Vertical Subtraction

(i) First we will write the numbers column wise or vertically as we generally do subtraction.

(ii) Beside the first number we will put four strokes since the first number is 4. (////)

(iii) Since the second number is 1 we take off or cancel out one stroke from the four stokes.

(iv) The remaining stokes are 3.

(v) The answer is 3.

2. Subtract 2 from 5 vertically.

Vertical Subtraction

3. Subtract the following vertically.

(i) Subtract 5 from 8.


           -     5_


(ii) Subtract 3 from 6.


           -     3_


(iii) Subtract 4 from 5.


           -     4_


(iv) Subtract 3 from 6.


           -     2_


(v) Subtract 4 from 5.


           -     3_


(vi) Subtract 3 from 6.


           -     5_



3. (i) 3

(ii) 3

(iii) 1

(iv) 4

(v) 2

(vi) 2

4. Fill in the blanks.



           -    3 




           -    4 




           -    5 




           -    6 




           -    7 




           -    2 




           -    2 




           -    3 




           -    3 




           -    1 




           -    4 




           -    7 




           -    3 




           -    4 



4. (i) 1

(ii) 1

(iii) 1

(iv) 1 

(v) 1

(vi) 3

(vii) 5

(viii) 3

(ix) 5

(x) 3

(xi) 4

(xii) 2

(xiii) 4

(xiv) 2

5. Five (5) birds were on the tree. One (1) flew away in search of food. How many are left?


From 5 take away 1.

4 is left.


           -    1  


There are four (4) left on the tree.

6. Fill in the blanks. Do the subtraction word problem story sums vertically. One has been done for you.

(i) Jennifer had 9 toy cars. She 

She gave 5 cars to her friend.

She has __4__ toy cars now.


       -  5  


(ii) Daniel had 7 chocolates.

He gave 4 chocolates to Matthew

Daniel has _____ chocolates now.


       -  .....  


(iii) There were 8 cups

3 cups fell on the floor.

There are ___ cups on the table now.


       -  .....  


(iv) There were 6 in a van.

4 persons got down.

There are _____ persons left in the van.


       -  .....  


(v) Tommy looked hungry. I had 8 biscuits.

I gave 5 to Tommy.

I now have _____ biscuits left.


       -  .....  


(vi) David had 18 chocolates with him.

He gave 5 chocolates to his friend.

David _____ has chocolates left with him.


       -  .....  


(vii) There were 16 birds sitting on a tree.

3 birds flew away.

There are _____ birds left on the tree.


       -  .....  


(viii) There were 15 eggs in a nest.

5 eggs fell down and broke.

There are _____ eggs left in the nest.


       -  .....  


(ix) There were 28 Coke bottles.

7 were distributed among children.

_____ bottles were left.


       -  .....  


(x) Jonathan has 36 comics.

He has read 25 comics.

Jonathan has not read _____ comics.


       -  .....  


(xi) Elizabeth had 56 stamps.

She gave 23 stamps to Jessica.

_____ stamps are left with Elizabeth.


       -  .....  


(xii) Ronald had 69 biscuits.

He gave away 16 biscuits to his friends.

_____ biscuits are left with him.


       -  .....  


(xiii) There were 35 apples in the box.

Mrs Bose used 21 to make jam.

There are apples in the box now.


       -  .....  



5. (ii) 3

(iii) 5

(iv) 2

(v) 3

(vi) 13

(vii) 13

(viii) 10

(ix) 21

(x) 11

(xi) 33

(xii) 53

(xiii) 14

Vertical Subtraction

Vertical Subtraction Game:

Vertical Subtraction Game

Play this game with your partner.

You need 20 buttons each and a dice.

Roll the dice and see the number. Give as many buttons to your partner.

Your partner rolls the dice and sees the number.

You get as many buttons back.

Keep on playing.

If at some point, a player does not have enough buttons to give to the partner, he or she waits for the next turn. The player whose buttons are finished first is the winner.

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