Worksheet on Arranging Numbers

Practice math worksheet on arranging numbers. The questions are mainly related to arranging numbers in ascending order, descending order, comparing numbers and finding the greatest number and the smallest number.

1. Compare using   >   =   < :

(a) 34872 ___ 34900

(b) 87945 ___ 78945

(c) 724582 ___ 88899

(d) 206006 ___ 116116

(e) 846470 ___ 847740

(f) 42358 ___ 423580

2. Draw a circle around the greatest number: 

(a) 9212     9122     9211     9221

(b) 5050     5550     5500     5005

(c) 777       7070     7007     7700

(d) 20050     20500     20005     25000

3. Draw a circle around the smallest number:

(a) 28118       28108     28008        28180

(b) 127582     125872     127528     127258

(c) 437           4737         7437        774

(d) 1234         3214         4312        1123

4. Rearrange in ascending order:

(a) 4747        2674        8617     7147

(b) 16641     16614     16416     16461

(c) 46347     46743     46734     46473

5. Arrange the given numbers in ascending order.

(a) 58,992; 59,228; 8,59,992; 1,54,992

(b) 7,96,441; 8,96,441; 7,99,641; 8,59,821

(c) 6,89,774; 6,78,940; 7,18,444; 5,68,710

(d) 3,80,751; 3,36,547; 3,98,694; 3,26,880

(e) 5,56,442; 5,26,452; 5,95,442; 5,34,561

6. Rearrange in descending order:

(a) 913               912         219          293

(b) 6767           6677        7676        7766

(c) 14201        14102       15112      15122

(d) 76391        78731       76139      76319

7. Arrange the given numbers in descending order.

(a) 71, 800; 40,875; 72,984; 6,98,504

(b) 8,63,019; 8,60,548; 8,65,881; 8,59,004

(c) 6,30,062; 1,63,050; 8,39,035; 5,69,204

(d) 3,80,651; 3,37,547; 3,90,694; 3,36,880

(e) 8,56,422; 8,26,452; 8,95,442; 8,34,561

8. Arrange the numbers on the given number line.

(i) 6,63,945; 6,84,326; 6,34,485; 6,03,827

(ii) 3,99,542; 3,09,821; 3,69,547; 3,39,841

(iii) 8,91,400; 8,91,300; 8,91,200; 8,91,500

9. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order:

(i) 56,827; 18,905; 21,519; 6,219; 5,861

(ii) 3,65,727; 4,78,051: 26,871: 45,343 19,006

(iii) 351; 1,678; 2,500: 6,135: 21,014

(iv) 4,89,326: 4,89,362; 4,98,326; 49,326, 6,54,289

10. Arrange the following numbers in descending order:

(i) 2,91,730; 5,725; 4,61,300: 81,703; 293

(ii) 81,526; 5,54,839; 2,81,263: 7,19,076; 2,35,249

(iii) 7,25,017; 43,510; 56,785: 1,00,009; 85,379

(iv) 6,53,192; 6,35,294; 68,156; 1,28,193; 6,346

11. Form the greatest number using the digits 7, 0, 6, 3, 1, 8 and 6, 0, 0, 9, 1, 3. Identify the number which is greater by comparing them.

12. Given below is the number of people visiting the three shopping malls in a week. Identify and tell which mall received the highest number of visitors and which mall received the least number of visitors.

Mall X - 9,02,200

Mall Y – 7,99,200

Mall Z – 9,18,700

Answers for worksheet on arranging numbers are given below to check the exact answers of the questions.


1. (a) <

(b) >

(c) >

(d) >

(e) <

(f) <

2. (a) 9221

(b) 5550

(c) 7700

(d) 25000

3. (a) 28008

(b) 125872

(c) 437

(d) 1123

4. (a) 2674     4747     7147     8617

(b) 16416     16461     16614     16641

(c) 46347     46473     46734     46743

5. (a) 58,992; 59,228; 1,54,992; 8,59,992 

(b) 7,96,441; 7,99,641; 8,59,821; 8,96,441

(c) 5,68,710; 6,78,940; 6,89,774; 7,18,444

(d) 3,26,880; 3,36,547; 3,80,751; 3,98,694

(e) 5,26,452; 5,34,561; 5,56,442; 5,95,442

6. (a) 913     912     293    219

(b) 7766     7676     6767     6677

(c) 15122     15112     14201     14102

(d) 78731     76391     76319     76139

7. (a) 6,98,504; 72,984; 71,800; 40,875

(b) 8,65,881; 8,63,019; 8,60,548; 8,59,004

(c) 8,39,035; 6,30,062; 5,69,204; 1,63,050

(d) 3,90,694; 3,80,651; 3,37,547; 3,36,880

(e) 8,95,442; 8,56,422; 8,34,561; 8,26,452

8. (i) 6,03,827; 6,34,485; 6,63,945; 6,84,326

(ii) 3,09,821; 3,39,841; 3,69,547; 3,99,542

(iii) 8,91,200; 8,91,300; 8,91,400; 8,91,500

Worksheet on Arranging Numbers

9. (i) 5,861; 6,219; 18,905; 21,519; 56,827

(ii) 19,006; 26,871; 45,343; 3,65,727; 4,78,051

(iii) 351; 1,678; 2,500; 6,135; 21,014

(iv) 4,89,326; 4,89,362; 4,98,326; 6,54,289

10. (i) 4,61,300; 291,730; 81,703; 5,725; 293

(ii) 719,076; 5,54,838; 281,263; 2,35,249; 81,526

(iii) 7,25,017; 1,00,009; 85,379; 56,785; 43,510

(iv) 6,53,192; 6,35,294; 1,28,193; 68,156; 6,346

11. 8,76,310 < 9,63,100

12. Highest number of visitors in Mall Z - 9,18,700

Least number of visitors in Mall Y - 7,99,200

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