Worksheet on Measurement

In worksheet on measurement we will solve different types of questions on measurement of length, conversion of length, addition and subtraction of length, word problems on addition of length, word problems subtraction of length, measurement of weight, conversion of weight, addition and subtraction of weight, word problems on addition of weight, word problems subtraction of weight, measurement of capacity, conversion of capacity, addition and subtraction of capacity, word problems on addition of capacity, word problems subtraction of capacity.

Worksheet on Measurement SUMMARY:


Short lengths, heights and distances are measured in centimetre.

Long lengths, heights and distances are measured in metre and kilometre.

1 km = 1000 m; 1 m = 100 cm

Small capacities are measured in milliliter.

Large capacities are measured in litre.

1 l = 1000 ml.

Light things are weighed in gram. Heavy things are weighed in kilogram.

1 kg = 1000 g

1. Fill in the blanks:

(i) There are __________ centimeters in 1 m. 

(ii) There are __________ grams in 1 kg.

(iii) There are __________ mililitres in 1 liter.

(iv) There are __________ meters in 1 km.

(v) The capacity of a container is expressed in _________ or _________ .

(vi) The quantity of a liquid that a container can hold is called ________ .

2. Tick ( ✓ ) the correct ones:

(i) 3 is equal to -

(a) 1000 ml;     (b) 2000 ml;     (c) 3000 ml;     (d) 6000 ml

(ii) 3 ℓ 250 ml is equal to -

(a) 8050 ml;     (b) 3250 ml;     (c) 3000 ml;     (d) 1250 ml

(iii) 7000 g is equal to -

(a) 7 kg;     (b) 8 kg;     (c) 3 kg;     (d) 2 kg

(iv) 8 m is equal to -

(a) 200 cm;     (b) 600 cm;     (c) 700 cm;     (d) 800 cm

(v) Which of the following is a standard unit for measuring length?

(a) metre;     (b) cubit;     (c) handspan

(vi)  95 m 40 cm is equal to:

(a) 954 cm;     (b) 9540 cm;     (c) 95400 cm

(vii) 6800 g is equal to:

(a) 6 g;     (b) 6 kg 80 g;     (c) 6 kg 800 g

(viii) The capacity of cough syrup filled in a bottle is measured in

(a) metre;     (b) milliliters;     (c) gram

(ix) 250 ml + 750 ml is equal to:

(a) 900 ml;     (b) 1 l;     (c) 1 ml

3. State 'T' for True and 'F' for False:

(i) 33 m 50 cm is equal to 3350 cm.

(ii) 5 kg 250 g is equal to 2300 g.

(iii) 8150 ml is equal to 8050 ml.

(iv) 4000 ml is equal to 4 l.

(v) 7 kg is equal to 8000 g.

(vi) 9000 m is equal to 9 km.

4. Write km, m, cm, or mm correctly after each measure so that it makes sense.

(i) Distance from my house to the school is 4 _____ .

(ii) Length of the my lawns fence is 11 _____ .

(iii) Width of my maths book is 24 _____ .

(iv) Width of my eraser is 28 _____ .

5. Write the most appropriate unit for each of the given.

(i) The distance between California and Texas is 1846 _______ .

(ii) I took 25 _____ of medicine.

(iii) Victoria bought 2 _____ of mangoes.

(iv) The height of my friend in Grade 3 is 140 _____ .

(v) My mother puts 2 _____ of sugar in each cup of tea.

6. John bought 27.5 m of cloth. How many cm of cloth did he buy?

7. Convert a distance of 20 km to metres.

8. Convert 98 km to hm.

9. Convert 40 mg to g.

10. Tom's weight is 45000 g. What is his weight in kg?

11. Divide 63.924 g by 20 g.

12. Convert the following.

(i) 32 m = __________ cm

(ii) 3 m = __________  cm

(iii) 9 kg = __________  g

(iv) 8,106 g = __________ kg

(v) 4k 260 g = __________  g

(vi) 8000 ml = __________ l

(vii) 7 l 300 ml = __________  ml

(viii) 2 l = __________  ml

Learn more about Math Conversion Chart.

13. Fill in the blanks with the correct sign <, = or >.

(i) 1000 g ……………. 1000 mg

(ii) 2 g ……………. 2000 mg

(iii) 5 kg 100 g ……………. 5 kg

(iv) 2500 g ……………. 2 kg 500 g

14. Express 5 l to ml.

15. Solve the following.

(i) 4 km + 3 km 700 m

(ii) 19 km 100 m + 2 km 500 m

(iii) 90 kg 8 g + 44 kg 80 g

(iv) 9 l 320 ml + 2 l 18 ml

(v) 46 km - 2 km 200 m

(vi) 99 kg 100 g - 55 kg 50 g

(vii) 21 l 620 ml - 21 l

(viii) 12 l 630 ml - 5 l 300 ml

16. Express 49.109 kl in l.

17. Convert these measurements into the given units.

(i) 26 kg __________ g

(ii) 30 l  __________ ml

(iii) 8 m 23 cm  __________ cm

(iv) 7000 g  __________ kg

(v) 11 m  __________ cm

(vi) 6 kg 70 g  __________ g

(vii) 8892 mg  __________ g  __________ mg

(viii) 9900 mℓ  __________ l  __________ ml

18. Add 19.043 l, 14.109 l, and 2.001 l.

19. Express 93 l in dl.

20. Solve the following:

(i) Add 35 kg 250 g and 4 kg 150 g

(ii) Subtract 19 kg 600 g from 23 kg 900 g

(iii) Multiply 15 kg 100 g by 8

(iv) Divide 72 kg 150 g by 3

21. Find the sum of the following measurements:

(i) 25 km 836 m, 18 km 92 m and 17 km 9 m

(ii) 9 l 375 ml and 4 l 86 ml

(iii) 13 m 38 cm and 1 m 62 cm

(iv) 25 l 200 ml and 17 l 500 ml

(v) 50 380 ml and 13 980 ml

(vi) 5 m 27 cm and 5 m 85 cm

(vii) 8 km 725 m, 6 km 242 m and 9 km 390 m

(viii) 32 l 982 ml and 12 l 250 ml

(ix) 9 km 456 m and 8 km 884 m

(x) 568 ml, 276 ml and 2 l 725 ml

(xi) 15 m 81 cm and 18 m 95 cm

(xii) 6 m 38 cm and 8 m 8 cm

22. Subtract the following measurements:

(i) 4 km 159 m from 27 km 105 m

(ii) 2 m 75 cm from 8 m 25 cm

(ii) 6 m 60 cm from 12 m 40 cm

(iv) 15 750 ml from 24 500 ml

(v) 12 km 457 m from 45 km 215 m

(vi) 7 230 ml from 10 150 ml

(vii) 55 340 ml from 113 l

(viii) 81 290 ml from 90 70 ml

(ix) 5 kg 70 g from 9 kg 9 g

(x) 18 80 ml from 24 500 ml

(xi) 139 km 390 m from 200 km

(xii) 2 kg 800 g from 5 kg 442 g

23. Worksheet on Measurement Word Problems:

(i) Can A contains 2.5 l of juice and Can B contains 3 l 250 ml of juice. If the juice from both can is mixed then what will be the total volume of juice? Give your answer in ml.

(ii) Sophia bought 4 kg 840 grams of wool to make a carpet. How much more wool does she need to make the weight 5 kg?

(iii) A tetra pack contains 250 ml of juice. How many such packs are needed to fill a jug of capacity 2 l?

(iv) Shelly bought 5 kg 544 g of flour for her cakes. She used \(\frac{1}{4}\) of the flour in making 1 cake. How much flour in kg was used in each cake.

(v) If weight of one watermelon is 1 kg 500 g, find the weight of:

(a) 2 watermelons

(b) 5 watermelons

(c) 3 watermelons

(d) 10 watermelons

(e) 4 watermelons

(f) 20 watermelons

(vi) The steps of a staircase are numbered from 1 to 10. A weight equal to step number is kept on each step. How much total weight is kept on 10 steps?

(vii) Aaron picks up a stone weighing 2100 g and Derek picks a stone weighing 20000 mg. Who picked heavier stone?

(viii) Diesel filling station sold 135 l 275 ml, 312 l 219 ml and 140 l 500 ml of diesel to three bus owners. Find the total quantity of diesel sold.

(ix) James runs 6 km 575 m and Michael runs 8 km 250 m. Who runs more and by how much?

(x) Mr. Richard bought 8 kg 750 g apples and 6 kg 525 g grapes. What is the total weight of fruits he bought?

(xi) Christopher bought 6 kg 750 g sweets. He distributes 4 kg 500 g to their friends. How much sweets that he has left with him?

(xii) Andrew had a ribbon that was 65 cm long. His sister had a ribbon which was 1 m long. Whose ribbon is longer and by how much?

(xiii) George had a 385 cm tall mango plant. He wished that it was 5 m tall. How much does the plant have to grow for that?

(xiv) Ryan weighs 38 kg 325 g and Jacob weighs 47 kg 245 g. How much more does Jacob weigh than Ryan?

(xv) Anthony bought 86 l 470 ml of paint. He used 64 l 850 ml of it. How much paint is left?

(xvi) A truck was filled with 220 l 700 ml of diesel. 195 l 290 ml was used in the journey. How much diesel is left in the truck?

24. Mrs. Jones comes to India. She lands at the airport and goes to the hotel. Calculate and write the answers for the following questions.

(i) Mrs. Jones plans to go for shopping. What is the shortest distance to the shopping mall from the hotel?

(ii) What is the shortest distance from the shopping mall to Mrs. Jones friend's house?

(iii) Mrs. Jones and her friend plan to watch a movie. They wish to take the longer route as it is not crowded. What is the longest distance from Mrs. Jones friend's house to the cinema hall?

(iv) Mrs. Jones and her friend have lunch at the restaurant. Mrs. Jones has to board the plane. She is getting late. What is the shortest distance she can travel to reach the airport in time?

25. Tick () the correct box:

Answers for the worksheet on Worksheet on Measurement are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on measurement.


1. (i) 100 centimeters

(ii) 1000 grams

(iii) 1000 milliliters

(iv) 1000 meters

(v) liters or gallons

(vi) capacity

2. (i) (c) 3000 ml

(ii) (b) 3250 ml

(iii) (a) 7 kg

(iv) (d) 800 cm

(v) (a) metre

(vi)  (b) 9540 cm

(vii) (c) 6 kg 800 g

(viii) (b) milliliters

(ix) (b) 1 l

3. (i) T

(ii) F

(iii) T

(iv) T

(v) F

(vi) T

4. (i) km

(ii) m

(iii) cm

(iv) mm

5. (i) km

(ii) ml

(iii) kg

(iv) cm

(v) g

6. 2750 cm

7. 20000 m

8. 980 hm

9. 0.04 g

10. 45 kg

11. 3.1962

12. (i) 3200

(ii) 300

(iii) 9000

(iv) 8.106

(v) 4260 

(vi) 8

(vii) 7300

(viii) 2000

13. (i) >

(ii) =

(iii) >

(iv) =

14. 5000 ml

15. (i) 7 km 700 m

(ii) 21 km 600 m

(iii) 134 kg 88 g 

(iv) 11 l 338 ml

(v) 43 km 800 m

(vi) 44 kg 50 g

(vii)  620 ml

(viii) 7 l 330 ml

16. 49109 l

17. (i) 26,000

(ii) 30,000 

(iii) 823

(iv) 7

(v) 1100

(vi) 6070

(vii) 88 g 892 mg

(viii) 9 l 900 ml

18. 25.153 l

19. 930 dl

20. (i) 39 kg 400 g

(ii) 4 kg 300 g

(iii) 120 kg 800 g

(iv) 24 kg 50 g

21. (i) 60 km 937 m

(ii) 13 l 461 ml 

(iii) 15 m 

(iv) 42 l 700 ml 

(v) 64 l 360 ml

(vi) 11 m 12 cm 

(vii) 24 km 357 m

(viii) 45 l 232 ml 

(ix) 18 km 340 m 

(x) 3 ml, 569 ml 

(xi) 34 m 76 cm 

(xii) 14 m 46 cm

22. (i) 22 km 946 m

(ii) 5 m 50 cm 

(ii) 5 m 80 cm

(iv) 8 l 750 ml 

(v) 32 km 758 m 

(vi) 2 l 920 ml 

(vii) 57 l 660 ml 

(viii) 8 l 780 ml 

(ix) 3 kg 939 g 

(x) 6 l 420 ml 

(xi) 60 km 610 m

(xii) 2 kg 642 g

23. (i) 5 l 750 ml l. e., 5750 ml

(ii) 160 g

(iii) 8

(iv) 1 kg 386 g

(v) (a) 3 kg

     (b) 7 kg 500 g

     (c) 4 kg 500 g

     (d) 15 kg

     (e) 6 kg

     (f) 30 kg

(vi) 55 kg

(vii) Aaron

(viii) 587 l 994 ml

(ix) Michael runs 1 km 675 m more than James

(x) 15 kg 275 g

(xi) 2 kg 250 g 

(xii) Andrew's sister, by 35 cm 

(xiii) 1 m 15 cm

(xiv) 8 kg 920 g

(xv) 21 l 620 ml

(xvi) 25 l and 410 ml

24. (i) 6 km 509 m

(ii) 9 km 170 m

(iii) 14 km 362 m

(iv) 10 km 122 m

25. (i) 250 m + 850 m = 1100 m = 1 km 100 m; More than 1 km

(ii) 625 m + 275 m = 900 m; Less than 1 km

(iii) 600 m + 500 m - 250 m = 850 m; Less than 1 km

(iv) 300 m - 250 m + 450 m = 500 m; Less than 1 km

(v) 450 m + 50 m + 500 m = 1000 m = 1 km; Equal to 1 km

Word Problems on Measurement with Solution:

1. Jacqueline purchased 8 m 40 cm of red ribbon and 5 m 60 cm of blue ribbon. How much ribbon did she buy in total?


Length of red ribbon  =      8 m 40 cm

Length of blue ribbon = +  5 m 60 cm  

Total length               =   14 m 00 cm  

Therefore, Jacqueline bought 14 m ribbon in total.

2. Sophia bought 7 kg 250 g watermelon, 2 kg 600 g blackberries and 4 kg 575 g apricots. What is the total weight of the fruits bought by her?


Weight of watermelon  =     7 kg 250 g

Weight of blackberries =     2 kg 600 g

Weight of apricots      =  + 4 kg 575 g  

Total weight              =    14 kg 425 g  

Thus, the total weight of the fruits is 14 kg 425 g  

3. The capacity of petrol tank in a car is 44 l 500 ml. It contains 26 l 250 ml petrol. How much more petrol it can take?


Capacity of petrol tank in the car            =    44 l 500 ml

Quantity of petrol in the tank                 = -  26 l 250 ml 

Quantity of petrol that can be added to it =   18 l 250 ml 

Hence, 18 l 250 ml of more petrol can be added to the tank.

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