3 Times Table

In 3 times table we will learn how to read and write multiplication table of 3.

We read three times table as: 

One time three is 3

Two times three is 6

Three times three is 9

Four times three is 12

Five times three is 15

Six times three is 18

Seven times three is 21

Eight times three is 24

Nine times three is 27

Ten times three is 30

Eleven times three is 33

Twelve times three is 36

We write 3 times table as:

1 × 3 = 3

2 × 3 = 6

3 × 3 = 9

4 × 3 = 12

5 × 3 = 15

6 × 3 = 18

7 × 3 = 21

8 × 3 = 24

9 × 3 = 27

10 × 3 = 30

11 × 3 = 33

12 × 3 = 36

Let us follow the how to read and write multiplication of 3 times table chart:

3 Times Table

3 times table, multiplication table of 3, read three times table, write 3 times table, tables
3 Times Table

Click Here to download the chart of 3 times table and then print it out.

This is the easiest way to follow 3 times table in the chart.

Multiplication Table of Three

Now, let us count the dots on the dice and write the multiplications.

Three Times Table

Questions and Answers on 3 Times Table:

1. Skip count in 3's and color the boxes.
































1. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30

2. Circle your answer on the number line. 

6 × 3 = _____

Number Line 15 to 30


Number 18 on Number Line

3. What is 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3?

Answer: 3 × 9 = 27

4. There are 8 rows of 3 banana trees. How many banana trees are there in all?


4. 8 × 3 = 24

5. Fill in the blanks:

(i) 1 more than 17 = 3 × ___

(ii) 3 times ___ = 21

(iii) 8 times ___ = 24

(iv) 1 less than 31 = 3 × ___

(v) 4 times 3 = ___

(vi) 7 more than 20 = ___ × ___


5. (i) 1 more than 17 = 3 × 6

(ii) 3 times 7 = 21

(iii) 8 times 3 = 24

(iv) 1 less than 31 = 3 × 10

(v) 4 times 3 = 12

(vi) 7 more than 20 = 9 × 3

3 Times Table

In a row there are 12 trees. How many trees will be there in 3 such rows?


No. of trees in 1 row = 12

No. of rows = 3

Therefore, total no. of trees in 3 rows = 12 × 3

Answer: There will be 36 trees in 3 rows.

7. Using the multiplication time’s table of 3, calculate 3 times 8.


According to the 3 times tables, 3 times 8 = 3 × 8 = 24

Therefore, 3 times 8 = 24


8. There are 15 children at the party. Each child got 3 balloons. How many balloons will there be in the party?


No. of children = 15

No. of balloons each child got = 3

Therefore, total no. of balloons 15 children got = 3 × 15 = 45

Answer: There will be 45 balloons in the party.

Multiplication Table of 3

9. Each auto-rickshaw is carrying 3 people. How many people will there be in 10 such auto-rickshaws?


No of people in each auto-rickshaw = 3

No of auto-rickshaws = 10

Therefore, total no. of people in 10 auto-rickshaws = 3 × 10 = 30

Answer: There will be 30 people in 10 auto-rickshaws.

You might like these

0 Times Table.                              T                               1 Times Table.

2 Times Table.                              A                               3 Times Table.

4 Times Table.                              B                               5 Times Table.

6 Times Table.                              L                               7 Times Table.

8 Times Table.                              E                               9 Times Table.

10 Times Table.                                                            11 Times Table.

12 Times Table.    T  A  B  L  E       S       C  H  A  R  T   13 Times Table.

14 Times Table.                                                            15 Times Table.

16 Times Table.                            C                              17 Times Table.

18 Times Table.                            H                              19 Times Table.

20 Times Table.                            A                              21 Times Table.

22 Times Table.                            R                              23 Times Table.

24 Times Table.                            T                              25 Times Table.

Multiplication Table Chart

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