Conversion of Money

In conversion of money we will learn to convert the amount from rupees to paisa and from paisa to rupees.

Conversion from rupees to paisa and from paisa to rupees is based on the basic fact that Re. 1.00 = 100 paisa and 100 paisa = Re. 1.00

From this fact we find that

Rs. 1.00 = 100 paisa

Rs. 2.00 = 200 paisa

Rs. 5.00 = 500 paisa

Rs. 10.00 = 1000 paisa

100 paisa = Re. 1.00

200 paisa = Re. 2.00

500 paisa = Re. 5.00

1000 paisa = Re. 10.00

We know that Rs. 1 = 100 p. So, to convert rupees into paise we multiply the number of rupees by 100.

Rs. 7 = 7 × 100 = 700 paise or 7 p

Rs. 9 = 9 × 100 = 900 paise or 9 p

To convert rupees and paise into paise, we convert rupees into paise and add paise.

              Rs. 8 and 50 paise = × 100 + 50

                                          = 800 + 50

                                          = 850 paise or 850 p

Changing Rupees to Paisa and Vice Versa:

100 paisa is same as Rs. 1.

I: To change rupees to paisa, put two zeros at the end of number.

For example:

Rs. 3 = 3 x 100 = 300 p

Rs. 10 = 10 x 100 = 1000 p

II: To change paisa to rupees, put a point after the two digits from right.

For example:

684 p = Rs. 6.84

4500 p = Rs. 45.00

38 p = Rs. 0.38

III: To change rupees and paisa to only paisa, remove the point and write the numbers together.

For example:

Rs. 9.50 = Rs. 9 + 50 p = 900 p + 50 p = 950 p

Rs. 10.98 = 1098 paisa

Worked-out Examples on Conversion of Money:

1. Convert the following:

(i) Rs. 3.50 into paise


Rs.  3.50               

= Rs. 3.00 + 50 paise

= (3 × 100) paise + 50 paise

= 300 paise + 50 paise

= 350 paise

(Thus, to convert rupees and paise into paise, we remove the point (.) and symbol Re. or Rs. and write Paise on the right of the number so obtained)

For example:

Rs. 7.25 = 725 paise

Rs. 11.85 = 1185 paise

(ii) 815 paise into rupees


815 paise            

= 800 paise + 15 paise

= (8 × 100) paise + 15 paise

= Rs. 8 + 15 paise

= Rs. 8.15

(Thus, to convert paise into rupees and paise, the point called decimal point is placed after the two digits from the right of the number showing paise and then Re. or Rs. is written on the extreme left)

For example:

450 paise           

1375 paise     

75 paise        

47 paise      

605 paise    

745 paise   

=             Rs. 4.5

=             Rs. 13.75

=             Re. 0.75

=             Rs. 0.47

=             Rs. 6.05

=             Rs. 7.45

Questions and Answers on conversion of money:

1. Convert the following:

Conversion of Money


(i) Rs. 5.85

(ii) Rs. 84.60

(iii) Rs. 105.00

(iv) Rs. 1,126.25

(v) Rs. 0.1

(vi) Rs. 0.7

(vii) Rs. 15.89

(viii) Rs. 2.00

2. Convert the following Paisa into Rupees:

(i) 278 p = Rs. _____

(ii) 396 p = Rs. _____

(iii) 482 p = Rs. _____

(iv) 325 p = Rs. _____

(v) 768 p = Rs. _____

(vi) 200 p = Rs. _____

(vii) 2500 p = Rs. _____

(viii) 1801 p = Rs. _____

(ix) 299 p = Rs. _____

(x) 2560 p = Rs. _____

(xi) 920 p = Rs. _____

(xii) 792 p = Rs. _____

(xiii) 3245 p = Rs. _____

(xiv) 610 p = Rs. _____

(xv) 1881 p = Rs. _____

(xvi) 670 p = Rs. _____

(xvii) 103 p = Rs. _____

(xviii) 480 p = Rs. _____

(xix) 1568 p = Rs. _____

(xx) 556 p = Rs. _____


2. (i) Rs. 2.78

(ii) Rs. 3.96

(iii) Rs. 4.82

(iv) Rs. 3.25

(v) Rs. 7.68

(vi) Rs. 2.00

(vii) Rs. 25.00

(viii) Rs. 18.01

(ix) Rs. 2.99

(x) Rs. 25.60

(xi) Rs. 9.20

(xii) Rs. 7.92

(xiii) Rs. 32.45

(xiv) Rs. 6.10

(xv) Rs. 18.81

(xvi) Rs. 6.70

(xvii) Rs. 1.03

(xviii) Rs. 4.80

(xix) Rs. 15.68

(xx) Rs. 5.56

3. Convert rupees into paise.

(i) Rs. 5 = _____p

(ii) Rs. 7 = _____p

(iii) Rs. 3 = _____p

(iv) Rs. 10 = _____p

(v) Rs. 2 = _____p

(vi) Rs. 21.80 = _____p

(vii) Rs. 76.75 = _____p

(viii) Rs. 50.60 = _____p

(ix) Rs. 24.35 = _____p

(x) Rs. 17.75 = _____p

(xi) Rs. 62.35 = _____p

(xii) Rs. 90.25 = _____p

(xiii) Rs. 48.55 = _____p

(xiv) Rs. 71.25 = _____p

(xv) Rs. 36.78 = _____p

(xvi) Rs. 42.37 = _____p

(xvii) Rs. 24.00 = _____p

(xviii) Rs. 95.35 = _____p

(xix) Rs. 84.54 = _____p

(xx) Rs. 20.19 = _____p

(xxi) Rs. 25.60 = _____p

(xxii) Rs. 65.50 = _____p

(xxiii) Rs. 44.12 = _____p

(xxiv) Rs. 17.82 = _____p

(xxv) Rs. 28.82 = _____p


3. (i) 500 p

(ii) 700 p

(iii) 300 p

(iv) 1000 p

(v) 200 p

(vi) 2180 p

(vii) 7675 p

(viii) 5060 p

(ix) 2435 p

(x) 1775 p

(xi) 6235 p

(xii) 9025 p

(xiii) 4855 p

(xiv) 7125 p

(xv) 3678 p

(xvi) 4237 p

(xvii) 2400 p

(xviii) 9535 p

(xix) 8454 p

(xx) 2019 p

(xxi) 2560 p

(xxii) 6550 p

(xxiii) 4412 p

(xxiv) 1782 p

(xxv) 2882 p

4. Convert into Paise.

(i) Rs. 5 and 70p = _____ + _____ = _____p

(ii) Rs. 9 and 40p = _____ + _____ = _____p

(iii) Rs. 8 and 45p = _____ + _____ = _____p

(iv) Rs. 5 and 75p = _____ + _____ = _____p

(v) Rs. 8 and 50p = _____ + _____ = _____p


4. (i) 500 + 70 = 570p

(ii) 900 + 40 = 940p

(iii) 800 + 45 = 845p

(iv) 500 + 75 = 575p

(v) 800 + 50 = 850p

5. Convert into rupees and paise.

(i) 275p = Rs. _____ and _____p

(ii) 870p = Rs. _____ and _____p

(iii) 250p = Rs. _____ and _____p

(iv) 665p = Rs. _____ and _____p

(v) 995p = Rs. _____ and _____p


5. (i) Rs. 2 and 75 p

(ii) Rs. 8 and 70 p

(iii) Rs. 2 and 50 p

(iv) Rs. 6 and 65 p

(v) Rs. 9 and 95 p

The conversion of the amounts of money will help the students to solve different types of problems on Indian coins and currency notes.

Related Concept


Writing Money in Words and Figure

Addition of Money

Subtraction of Money

Multiplication of Money

Division of Money

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