
In simplest way Algebra is a generalized form of Arithmetic.

In Arithmetic we only deal with numbers. There we include different operations on numbers which have one single definite value.

But in the algebra we not only deal with numbers, we deal with some letters also which represent different numbers. These letters may have any value we choose to assign to them. There is no restriction to the numerical values a letter may represent.

Suppose for example, let 'x = 1', that does not mean that x must always have the value 1, but only for this example we can consider x = 1.

For Example:

5x, 2x + 5, 2a + 2, y - 2x, x + 10y, x + 2y - 3z, etc.

Suppose, we consider three circles of radii 7 cm, 8 cm and 9 cm.

We can say here that are three circles of radius r cm, where, ‘r’ represents different numbers.

The letters used in Algebra are called Variables or literal number or simply literals.

Generally in algebra we operate letters or symbols without assigning any particular numerical value at all.

According to the definition of algebra, premising that the signs +, -, × and ÷ are used with the same meaning as in Arithmetic.

Also, the following sign and symbols are frequently used in algebra and have the same meanings as they have in any other branch of Mathematics.

= means, "is equal to"

≠ means, "is not equal to"

< means, "is less than"

> means, "is greater than"

≮ means, "is not less than"

≯ means, "is not greater than"

∴ means, "therefore"

∵ means, "because" or "since"

~ means, "difference between"

⇒ means, "implies that"


Literal Numbers

Addition of Literals

Subtraction of Literals

Multiplication of Literals

Properties of Multiplication of Literals

Division of Literals

Powers of Literal Numbers

Literal Numbers - Worksheets

Worksheet on Addition of Literals

Worksheet on Subtraction of Literals

Worksheet on Multiplication of Literals

Worksheet on Division of Literals

Worksheet on Powers of Literal Numbers

Constants and Variables

Constants and Variables - Worksheet

Worksheet on Constants and Variables


Like and Unlike Terms

Like Terms

Addition of Like Terms

Subtraction of Like Terms

Adding and Subtracting Like Terms

Unlike Terms

Addition of Unlike Terms

Subtraction of Unlike Terms

Terms - Worksheets

Worksheet on Like and Unlike Terms


Terms of an Algebraic Expression

Types of Algebraic Expressions

Degree of a Polynomial

Addition of Polynomials

Subtraction of Polynomials

Power of Literal Quantities

Multiplication of Two Monomials

Multiplication of Polynomial by Monomial

Multiplication of two Binomials

Division of Monomials

Division of Polynomial by Monomial

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