Worksheet on Calculating Distance

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on calculating distance. Learn how to solve different problems on calculating distance.

We know, the formula to calculate distance = speed × time.

1. A train covers 168 km in 4 hours. How much distance will it cover in 80 minutes?

2. If a motorist moves with a speed of 30 km/hr and covers the distance from place A to place B in 3 hours 30 minutes, find the distance between place A and place B.

3. Mohan drives a car at a uniform speed of 60 km/hr, find how much distance is covered in 90 minutes?

4. A train is running at a speed of 72 km/hr, how far will it go in 7 seconds?

5. A car travels at a speed of 54 km/hr. How many meters will it travel in 1 second?     

6. How much father can an interstate bus go travelling 70 km/hr rather than 60 km/hr in 6 hours?

7. I walk at 3 km/hr and miss the bus by 2 minutes. If I walk 4 km/hr, I reach 3 minutes before the bus arrives. How far I walk to reach the bus stand?

8. A car travel a distance of 170 km in 2 hours partly at a speed of 100 km/hr and partly at 50 km/hr. Find the distance travelled at the speed of 100 km/hr.

9. Aaron and Sam cover the same distance on foot at the speed of 8 km/hr and 6 km/hr. Find the distance covered by each one of them when one takes 15 minutes longer than the other.

10. Sound travels at a speed of 1188 km in one hour. How many meters will it travel in one second?        

Answers for the worksheet on calculating distance are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on different problems.


1. 56 km

2. 105 km

3. 90 km

4. 140 m

5. 15 m

6. 60 km

7. 1 km

8. 140 km

9. 6 km

10. 330 m/sec

Worksheet on Conversion of Units of Speed

Worksheet on Calculating Time

Worksheet on Calculating Speed

Worksheet on Calculating Distance

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Worksheet on Train Passes through a Bridge 

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