Divisible by 2

A number is divisible by 2 if the digit at unit place is either 0 or multiple of 2.

So a number is divisible by 2 if digit at its units place is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.

Numbers divisible by 2 are called even numbers.

Numbers not divisible by 2 are called odd numbers.

Let us consider some of the following numbers which are divisible by 2 using the divisibility test.

346, 218, 106, 100, 194, 152 here all these number is divisible by 2 because their units place is either 0 or multiple of 2.

Similarly, the numbers 14, 64, 86, 102, 568, 120 etc. is divisible by 2 because their units place is either 0 or multiple of 2.

Similarly again, 182, 198, 200, 100, 406, 304 are also divisible by 2 because their units place is either 0 or multiple of 2.Again let us consider,

317, 125, 103, 159 etc. here all these number is not divisible by 2 because their units place is not multiple of 2.

Similarly, the numbers 141, 63, 87, 105, 563, 129 etc. is not divisible by 2 because their units place is not multiple of 2.

Similarly again, 111, 199, 203, 101, 405, 307 are also not divisible by 2 because their units place is not multiple of 2.

Divisible by 2

For example:

1. Determine the following numbers which are divisible by 2, using the test of divisibility by 2:

(i) 176, (ii) 221, (iii) 327, (iv) 90, (v) 192


(i) 176

We know the rules of divisibility by 2, if the unit’s place of the number is either 0 or multiple of 2.

Here, in 176 the unit place is 6 and 6 is divisible by 2.

Hence, 176 is divisible by 2. 

(ii) 221

We know that a number is divisible by 2, if the unit’s place of the number is either 0 or multiple of 2. 

Here, in 221 the unit place is 1 and 1 is not divisible by 2.

Hence, 221 is not divisible by 2. 

(iii) 327

We know that a number is divisible by 2, if the unit’s place of the number is either 0 or multiple of 2.

Here, in 327 the unit place is 7 and 7 is not divisible by 2.

Hence, 327 is not divisible by 2.

(iv) 90

We know that a number is divisible by 2, if the unit’s place of the number is either 0 or multiple of 2.

Here, in 90 the unit place is 0 and 0 is divisible by 2.

Hence, 90 is divisible by 2. 

(v) 192

We know that a number is divisible by 2, if the unit’s place of the number is either 0 or multiple of 2.

Here, in 192 the unit place is 2 and 2 is divisible by 2.Hence, 192 is divisible by 2.

Consider the multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, ............

In each of these multiples the digit in the units place is 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0.

A number is divisible by 2 if the digit in the units place is 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0.

2. Is 715632 divisible by 2?

The last digit of the number is 2.

Hence it is divisible by 2.

Questions and Answers on Divisible by 2:

I. Which of the following numbers are divisible by 2?

(i) 3642

(ii) 2431

(iii) 897

(iv) 4218

(v) 3614

(vi) 24860

(vii) 1111

(viii) 1984


I. (i) 3642

(iv) 4218

(v) 3614

(vi) 24860

(viii) 1984

2. Find the smallest number that should be subtracted from the following numbers to get a number divisible by 2?

(i) 85

(ii) 63

(iii) 1529


2. (i) 1

(ii) 1

(iii) 1

 Divisibility Rules.

Properties of Divisibility.

Divisible by 2.

Divisible by 3.

Divisible by 4.

Divisible by 5.

Divisible by 6.

Divisible by 7.

Divisible by 8.

Divisible by 9.

Divisible by 10.

Problems on Divisibility Rules

Worksheet on Divisibility Rules

5th Grade Math Problems 

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