Line-Segment, Ray and Line

Definition of in Line-segment, ray and line geometry:

A line segment is a fixed part of a line. It has two end points. It is named by the end points. In the figure given below end points are A and B. So, the line segment is called AB. A line segment is denoted as \(\overline{AB}\).

The part of a line is called a line-segment as shown below.

Definition of in Line-segment

                       Line segment \(\overline{AB}\)

          Line segment \(\overline{AB}\)

Only one line can be drawn passing through any two points but a number of lines can be drawn through a point.

Lines passing through a point O

           Line AB

Lines passing through a point O

      Line segment CD

Ray: We know about sun-rays. A sun-ray starts from the sun and goes on a direction up to endless space. Similarly a geometrical ray is considered a special kind of line which starts from a fixed point and goes to any distance to the other direction of the starting point.

A Geometrical Ray

The name of a ray is given with two capital letters. One letter is written at the starting point of the ray and the other letter is written near the arrow end as AB and LM.

A line, line segment and ray all are called one dimensional (1-D) figures as they have only length.

In short, a ray is a portion of line. It has one end point. A ray can be extended in any one direction endlessly. We name the given ray as \(\underset{AB}{\rightarrow}\). The first letter shows the end point. The Sun light is an example of the ray.

Geometrical Shape Ray

Distinction between line-segment, ray and line:


1. It has two end points.

2. The length of a line-segment is definite. So, it can be measured.

3. The symbol of a line-segment is _____


1. Ray has one starting point and another near the arrowhead.

2. It has a starting point but no other end point. So, its length cannot be measured.

3. The symbol of a ray is


1. There are no end points in a line.

2. There are no end points. So, length of a line cannot be measured.

3. The symbol of a line is

Line-Segment, Ray and Line

These explanations on line-segment, ray and line will help the kids to understand the different fundamental element of geometry and their distinction.

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