Simple geometrical design and models in geometry, here we will follow the pattern of the basic geometrical shapes and complete the incomplete design and models.
Rectangle, square, triangle and circle are the basic shapes in the geometrical system. So, many geometrical designs are made with the help of these basic shapes.
The following examples on geometrical design:
1. Follow the pattern and complete the incomplete design:
In this pattern we see two geometrical shapes a circle and then a triangle.
Now we will complete the incomplete design by following the patterns of the shapes.
In this pattern we see two geometrical shapes a square and then a rectangle. Now we will complete the incomplete design by following the patterns of the shapes.
In this pattern we see one geometrical shape i.e., a triangle. Now we will complete the incomplete design by following the patterns of the shape.
The following examples on geometrical models:
(i) Different shapes are used such as circle, triangle, rectangle and square to draw this model.
(ii) To draw this model different shapes are used such as circle, triangle and rectangle.
These explanations will help the students to understand the third grade simple geometrical design and models in geometry.
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