Tangrams Math

Tangram is a traditional Chinese geometrical puzzle with 7 pieces (1 parallelogram, 1 square and 5 triangles) that can be arranged to match any particular design. Tangram pieces can be used for making many shapes of people, animals, things, etc. Here is a get of a 7-piece tangram. Trace the figure and cut the pieces.


In the given figure, it consists of one parallelogram (6) one square (4) and five triangles (1, 2, 3, 5 and 7)

Let us use a cardboard to make our own tangram. Take a cardboard and make squares whose each side measures 16 cm.

Now draw lines as shown below. With the help of elders, cut the lines and get your own tangram set. To make more shapes, you can cut atleast 5 sets of these pieces.

Tangram Set

A house can be made as shown in the figure. We can make different figures by using tangram pieces.

Tangrams - House

We can also make shapes of different animals.

Tangrams - Rabbit
Tangrams - Bird
Tangrams - Cat

Now, using these pieces make the following figures and color them.

Color the Tangram Figures

Tangrams Math

Worksheet on Tangrams Math:

1. How many triangles are there in a 7-piece tangram?

2. Use any 4 pieces of the 7-piece tangram to make a rectangle.

3. Select the tiles which can be used for tiling the floor of a room.

4. Using all the 7 pieces of tangram make a cat.

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