Like and unlike fractions are discussed here with examples.
What are called like fractions?
Fractions having the same denominators are called like fractions.
For example,
(i) ²/₁₅, ⁸/₁₅, ¹⁷/₁₅ etc. are like fractions;
Here the group of fractions having the same denominators as 15.
(ii) ³/₁₉, ⁷/₁₉, ¹¹/₁₉ etc. are like fractions;
Here the group of fractions having the same denominators as 19.
(iii) ¹/₇, ⁴/₇, ⁶/₇ etc. are like fractions;
Here the group of fractions having the same denominators as 7.
(iv) ¹⁵/₇₁, ⁴¹/₇₁, ⁶²/₇₁ etc. are like fractions;
(v) ⁹¹/₁₀₁, ⁴⁷/₁₀₁, ⁶⁹/₁₀₁ etc. are like fractions;
What are called unlike fractions?
Fractions with different denominators are called unlike fractions.
For example,
(i) ²/₁₃, ⁷/₂₄, ⁹/₁₂₅etc, are unlike fractions.
Here the group of fractions having different denominators.
(ii) ⁷/₁₉, ⁴⁷/₂₅, ²⁹/₁₂₉ etc, are unlike fractions.
Here the group of fractions having different denominators
(iii) ²¹/₁₇, ⁵¹/₁₁₃, ⁹¹/₁₇₁ etc, are unlike fractions.
Here the group of fractions having different denominators
(iv) ⁶¹/₇₃, ¹⁴/₉₃, ¹⁶/₁₈₅ etc, are unlike fractions.
● Fractions
Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
● Fractions - Worksheets
Worksheet on Multiplication of Fractions
Worksheet on Division of Fractions
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