Worksheet on Uniform Rate of Depreciation

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on uniform rate of depreciation.

Applying the principle of compound interest, we can find the values, when subjected to uniform rate of growth by the formula Q = P(1 + \(\frac{r}{100}\))\(^{n}\) and in case of uniform rate of decreases, the same can be done using Q = P(1 - \(\frac{r}{100}\))\(^{n}\).

1. The price of a machine depreciates at 10% every year. If the present value of the machine be Rs. 100000, what will be its value after 3 years?

2. Richard buys shares worth $20000. If the price of his shares declines uniformly by 10% at the end of every year, how much money will he get by selling his shares after two years?

3. The value of a machine in a factory depreciates by 20% every year. At the end of 3 years, the price comes down to $ 12800. What was the price of the machine 3 years back?

4. The value of a school bus reduces from $ 512000 to $ 343000in 3 years. Find the uniform rate of depreciation per annum.

5. The value of an air conditioner depreciates at the rate of 10% p.a. After how many full years will the value of the air conditioner become less than two-thirds of its initial value?

6. A printing machine depreciates in value by 8% every year. At the end of year 2002 it is valued at $ 18400. Calculate its value at the end of year 2003 and year 2001.

7. The value of a car depreciates every year at the rate of 10%. It was purchased for $ 15000 when new and it was sold for $ 10935. Find the number of years the car was used before selling.

8. Through the publicity of road-safety programme, the street accident in San Francisco decreases by 10% in comparison to its previous year. In the present year, if the number of street accidents be 2916, find the number of street accidents in San Francisco 3 years before.

9. Weight of a David is 80kg. In order to reduce his weight, he started regular morning walk. He decided to reduce his weight every year by 5% of his weight at the beginning of the year. What will be his weight after 3 years?

10. As a result of the publicity to resist the wastage of drinking water in a town, the wastage of drinking water in a year decreases by 10% in comparison to the previous year. At present, if the quantity of drinking water wasted from the supply of the pumping station in that town be 10000 liters, find the quantity of water, which will be wasted after 3 years.


Answers for the worksheet on uniform rate of depreciation are given below.



1. $ 72,900

2. $ 16,200

3. $ 25000

4. 12\(\frac{1}{2}\) %

5. 4 years

6. $ 16928 in the year 2003 and $ 20000 in the year 2001

7. 3 years

8. 4000

9. 68.59 kg

10. 7290 liters

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 Compound Interest - Worksheet

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8th Grade Math Practice

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