Dividing Decimal by a Whole Number

Dividing decimal by a whole number is just same like division as usual.

How to divide a decimal by a whole number?

To divide a decimal by a whole number follow the below steps:

Divide the decimal number (dividend) by considering it as a whole number by the given whole number.

Mark the decimal point in the quotient such that it has the same number of decimal places as in the decimal number (dividend).

Worked-out problems to find the quotient of a decimal by a whole number:

Read the above explanation step-by-step and try to understand the examples on division of decimals.

1. Find the quotient:

(i) 0.2080 by 65.


0.2080 ÷ 65

Divide the decimal number without the decimal point.

Dividing Decimal by a Whole Number

So we have,

Since, 0.2080 has 4 decimal places

Therefore, 0.2080 ÷ 65 will also have 4 decimal places

Therefore, 0.2080 ÷ 65 = 0.0032

(ii) 0.625 by 25


0.625 ÷ 25

Divide the decimal number without the decimal point.

Division of Decimal by a Whole Number

So we have,

Since, 0.625 has 3 decimal places

Therefore, 0.625 ÷ 25 will also have 3 decimal places

Therefore, 0.625 ÷ 25 = 0.025

Word problems on division of decimal by a whole number:

2. A car travels 234.40 km in 4 hours. How much distance will it travel in 1 hour?


Number of hours = 4

Distance covered by a car in 4 hours = 234.40 km

Therefore, a car can travel 1 hour = (234.40 ÷ 4) km = 58.6 km

3. A container contains 12.5 litre of oil. How many such containers contain 162.5 litre of oil?


Quantity of oil in a container = 12.5 litre

Total quantity of oil = 162.5 litre

Therefore, containers needed to fill 162.5 litre of oil = (162.5 0 ÷ 12.5) litre = 13 litre

Related Concept


Decimal Numbers

Decimal Fractions

Like and Unlike Decimals

Comparing Decimals

Decimal Places

Conversion of Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals

Decimal and Fractional Expansion

Terminating Decimal

Non-Terminating Decimal

Converting Decimals to Fractions

Converting Fractions to Decimals

H.C.F. and L.C.M. of Decimals

Repeating or Recurring Decimal

Pure Recurring Decimal

Mixed Recurring Decimal


BODMAS/PEMDAS Rules - Involving Decimals

PEMDAS Rules - Involving Integers

PEMDAS Rules - Involving Decimals


BODMAS Rules - Involving Integers

Conversion of Pure Recurring Decimal into Vulgar Fraction

Conversion of Mixed Recurring Decimals into Vulgar Fractions

Simplification of Decimal

Rounding Decimals

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Whole Number

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Tenths

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredths

Round a Decimal

Adding Decimals

Subtracting Decimals

Simplify Decimals Involving Addition and Subtraction Decimals

Multiplying Decimal by a Decimal Number

Multiplying Decimal by a Whole Number

Dividing Decimal by a Whole Number

Dividing Decimal by a Decimal Number

7th Grade Math Problems

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