1st Grade Number Worksheet
In 1st grade number worksheet we will solve the problems on smallest to greatest number, greatest to smallest number, write the missing number, circle the larger number, circle the smaller number, addition of 1-digit number, addition of 2-digit number, subtraction of 1-digit number from 1-digit number, subtraction 2-digit number from 1-digit number, subtraction of 2-digit number from 2-digit number, word problem on subtraction and word problems on addition.
1. Subtraction
(i) 17 - 2 = _____
(ii) 16 - 14 = _____
2. Do as directed.
(i) 3 = 7 - _____
(ii) 7 + 3 = _____
(iii) 16 - 14 = _____
(iv) 3 + 7 = _____
(v) 10 - 3 = _____
3. Number of sport girls is 5 more than the number of sport boys. If the number of sport boys is 9, then number of sport girls is _____ .
Total number of sport children is _____ .
4. (i) Write the numbers in order, starting from smallest to greatest.
12, 16, 11, 9, 18
(ii) Write the numbers in order, starting from greatest to smallest.
18, 20, 14, 13, 3
5. Write missing numbers.
(i) _____, _____, 19, 20.
(ii) 11, 12, 13, _____, _____ .
6. (i) Circle the largest number: 14, 11, 4, 20
(ii) Circle the smallest number: 15, 3, 12, 10
7. Write number names.
(i) 1 more than 9
(ii) 1 more than 15
8. Write the number sentences. Solve the problems.
sat at their desks.
How many children?
_____ + _____ = _____
How many pencils?
_____ + _____ = _____
9. Solve the addition and subtraction problems.
10. Put <, > or = in the blank.
(i) 92 _____ 46 + 46
(ii) 38 _____ 58 - 30
(iii) 51 + 25 _____ 77
(iv) 58 - 18 _____ 40
(v) 56 _____ 20 + 16
(vi) 37 - 12 _____ 49
1. (i) 15
(ii) 2
2. (i) 4
(ii) 10
(iii) 2
(iv) 10
(v) 7
3. 14, 23
4. (i) 9, 11, 12, 16, 18
(ii) 20, 18, 14, 13, 3
5. Write missing numbers.
(i) 17, 18
(ii) 14, 15
6. (i) 20
(ii) 3
7. (i) ten
(ii) sixteen
8. (i) 14 girls sat at their desks.
3 boys sat at their desks.
14 + 3 = 17 children.
(ii) 6 pencils.
Add 12 pencils.
6 + 12 = 18 pencils.
9. (i) 59
(ii) 40
(iii) 87
(iv) 98
(v) 20
(vi) 41
10. (i) =
(ii) >
(iii) <
(iv) =
(v) >
(vi) <
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