Percentage into Fraction

How to covert a percentage into fraction?

We will follow the following steps for converting a percentage into a fraction:

Step I: Obtain the given percentage. Let it be x %.

Step II: Remove the percentage sign (%) and then divide the number by 100. Therefore, x % = x/100

Step III: Reduce the fraction obtained to its lowest terms as required.

1. Express each of the following percentage into fraction in lowest terms:

(i) 16 % = 16/100 = 4/25

(ii) 48 % = 48/100 = 12/25

(iii) 5 % = 5/100 = 1/20

(iv) 25 % = 25/100 = 1/4

(v) 115 % = 115/100 = 23/20

(vi) 1 % = 1/100

2. Convert 27 per cent to fraction.

27 % = 27/100

3. Convert each of the following percentage as fractions in the lowest form:

(i) 24 % = 24/100 = 6/25

(ii) 62 % = 62/100 = 31/50

(iii) 30 % = 30/100 = 3/10

(iv) 75 % = 75/100 = ¾

(v) 10 % = 10/100 = 1/10

4. Convert each of the decimal percentage as fractions in the lowest form:

(i) 3.5 % = 35/10 % = 35/10 × 1/100 = 7/100

(ii) 0.5 % = 5/10 % = 5/10 × 1/100 = 1/200

(iii) 30.2% = 322/10 % = 322/10 × 1/100 = 322/1000 = 151/500

(iv) 0.4 % = 4/10 % = 4/10 × 1/100 = 4/1000 = 1/250

(v) 0.375 % = 375/1000 % = 375/1000 × 1/100 = 375/100000 = 3/800


5. Convert each of the fraction percentage as fractions in the lowest form:

(i) 32/5 % = 17/5 % = 17/5 × 1/100 = 17/500

(ii) 2/5 % = 2/5 × 1/100 = 1/250

(iii) 162/3 % = 50/3 % = 50/3 × 1/100 = 50/300 = 1/6

(iv) 51/8 % = 41/8 % = 41/8 × 1/100 = 41/800

(v) 2¾ % = 11/4 % = 11/4 × 1/100 = 11/400

Fraction into Percentage

Percentage into Fraction

Percentage into Ratio

Ratio into Percentage

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Percentage of a Number

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Basic Problems on Percentage

Solved Examples on Percentage

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Real Life Problems on Percentage

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