Fraction into Percentage

How to covert a fraction into percentage?

We will follow the following steps for converting a fraction into a percentage:

Step I: Obtain the fraction. Let the fraction is x/y.

Step II: Multiply the fraction by 100 and write the percentage (%) symbol to find the required percent. Therefore, x/y = (x/y × 100) %

1. Convert each of the following fractions as percentage:

(i) 3/25 = (3/25 × 100) % = 12 %

(iii) 4/5 = (4/5 × 100) % = 80 %

(iii) 3/4 = (3/4 × 100) % = 75 %

(iv) 2/3 = (2/3 × 100) % = (200/3) % = 66  2/3 %

(v) 1 = (1 × 100) % = 100 %

Note: 100 % = 1

2. Convert 7/20 to per cent.

7/20 = (7/20 × 100) % = 35 %

3. Express each of the following fraction into a percentage:

(i) 6/5

= (6/5 × 100) % = 120 %                

(ii) 42/5

= 22/5 = (22/5 × 100) % = 440 %

(iii) 11/4

= 5/4 = (5/4 × 100) % = 125 %

4. Express each of the following statements in the percentage form:

(i) 5 out of 20 are bad

= 5/20 eggs are bad

= (5/20 × 100) % eggs are bad

= 25 % eggs are bad

(ii) 3 children in a class of 30 are absent.

= 3/30 children are absent

= (3/30 × 100) % children are absent

= 10 % children are absent         

(iii) 21 apples out of 30 are good

= 21/30 apples are good

= (21/30 × 100) % apples are good

= 70 % apples are good

(iv) 47 students out of 50 are present

= 47/50 students are present

= (47/50 × 100) % students are present

= 94 % students are present

Fraction into Percentage

Percentage into Fraction

Percentage into Ratio

Ratio into Percentage

Percentage into Decimal

Decimal into Percentage

Percentage of the given Quantity

How much Percentage One Quantity is of Another?

Percentage of a Number

Increase Percentage

Decrease Percentage

Basic Problems on Percentage

Solved Examples on Percentage

Problems on Percentage

Real Life Problems on Percentage

Word Problems on Percentage

Application of Percentage

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