Comparison of Four-digit Numbers

What are the rules for the comparison of four-digit numbers?

We have already learnt that a two-digit number is always greater than a single digit number. But, in case of comparison of four-digit numbers, we must consider the following facts:

(i) The number having more digits is greater i.e., a four-digit number is always greater than a three-digit number, two-digit number or one-digit number separately. As:

1000 > 999 , 1000 > 798 , 1000 > 191 ,

3275 > 375 , 5823 > 823 , 4378 > 937 , etc.

(ii) In case of two four-digit numbers, the digits on the extreme left, i.e., Thousand-place digit or 4th digit from the right are compared.

(a) The number having the greater extreme left digit, is the greater number.

5738 > 3561 , 9721 > 8925 , 2193 > 1293 as 5 > 3, 9 > 8, etc.

(b) If the digits on the extreme left are equal, then the rules to compare three-digit numbers are followed, as:

(i) 5738 > 5698 , 9794 > 9695 , 1548 > 1499

(ii) 5738 > 5729 , 9794 > 9784 , 1548 > 1529

(iii) 1968 > 1965 , 9798 > 9796 , 1548 > 1532

In general we can form the following rules to compare two or more numbers:

(a) If two numbers have equal number of digits, the number having greater valued digit on the extreme left is greater.

(b) If the digits on extreme left of the numbers are equal then the digits to the right of the extreme left digits are compared and so on.

Comparing and Arranging Numbers:

● Numbers are compared from the left to right.

 If the digits are equal at the place than compare on the right digit at the next place.

Comparing and Arranging Numbers

How to arrange 4-digit numbers
in ascending and descending order:

(i) Arranging the numbers 2137, 1815, 3279, 4716, 3373 in ascending order:

The numbers are arranged in ascending order 1815, 2137, 3279, 3373, 4716.

(ii) Arranging the numbers 5204, 3418, 7432, 5855, 2195 in descending order:

The numbers are arranged in descending order 7432, 5855, 5204, 3418, 2195.

(iii) Arranging the numbers 6001, 3145, 1111, 2157, 4679 in ascending order:

The numbers are arranged in ascending order 1111, 2157, 3145, 4679, 6001.

(iv) Arranging the numbers 3004, 3098, 3382, 3531, 3461 in descending order:

The numbers are arranged in descending order 3531, 3461, 3382, 3098, 3004.

Thus, any five-digit number is always greater than a four-digit number and so on...

Questions and answers on Comparing and Arranging Numbers:

I. Circle the smallest and Tick ( ) the largest in the given sets:

(i) 7920   8209   6305   5706   4321

(ii) 5248   2990   3841   4801   6549

(iii) 3832   5042   8700   9354   4672

(iv) 1832   2832   3845   2700   6840

(v) 7548   4241   3975   9410   6942   

(vi) 4421   3785   9441   8961   7265

(vii) 3934   7620   8344   5287   9762

(viii) 9843   2489   6765   4329   3349

(ix) 2728   5964   4378   8957   7862

(x) 9397   3583   7621   2582   8955


I. (i) Smallest - 4321; Largest - 8209

(ii) Smallest - 2990; Largest - 6549

(iii) Smallest - 3832; Largest - 9354

(iv) Smallest - 1832; Largest - 6840

(v) Smallest - 3975; Largest - 9410

(vi) Smallest - 3785; Largest - 9441

(vii) Smallest - 3934; Largest - 9762

(viii) Smallest - 2489; Largest - 9843 

(ix) Smallest - 2728; Largest - 8957

(x) Smallest - 2582; Largest - 9397

II. Write >, < or = :

(i) 2536 ……….. 2160

(ii) 7328 ……….. 7934

(iii) 4653 ……….. 4653

(iv) 6000 ……….. 5999

(v) 3924 ……….. 3910

(vi) 9320 ……….. 9245

(vii) 8888 ……….. 8888

(viii) 7542 ……….. 7642

(ix) 6789 ……….. 6542

(x) 8089 ……….. 8320

(xi) 4638 ……….. 3250

(xii) 5644 ……….. 5646

(xiii) 4878 ……….. 4878

(xiv) 5555 ……….. 5554

(xv) 7824 ……….. 3219


II. (i) >

(ii) <

(iii) =

(iv) >

(v) >

(vi) >

(vii) =

(viii) <

(ix) >

(x) <

(xi) >

(xii) <

(xiii) =

(xiv) >

(xv) >

III. Write the smallest number in each set:

(i) 4291   3161   5026   1203   1689  

(ii) 3167   7052   3200   4623   4320

(iii) 4290   3261   9875   9891   3483

(iv) 3261   4883   4290   5875   6891

(v) 5290   3126   4891   1834   7999


III. (i) 1203

(ii) 3200

(iii) 3261

(iv) 3261

(v) 1834

IV. Write the biggest number in each set:

(i) 3120   4619   8207   5213   4679 

(ii) 6257   3217   3271   9871   3527

(iii) 1326   2578   4729   5017   6025

(iv) 8054   3200   4700   9602   8309

(v) 1001   2007   3005   3850   5810


IV. (i) 8207

(ii) 9871

(iii) 6025

(iv) 9602

(v) 5810

V. Write the descending order (from the biggest to the smallest):

(i) 1100    8800      2146     4239     1348     3746

(ii) 2644    3179     5341     8072     1528     7947

(iii) 2937    8456     5119    6098     4050      3433

(iv) 8532    4729     7811    3502     5238      3333

(v) 6584     6548      6458    6845     6485     6854


V. (i) 8800, 4239, 3746, 2146, 1348, 1100    

(ii) 8072, 7947, 5341, 3179, 2644, 1528

(iii) 8456, 6098, 5119, 4050, 3433, 2937

(iv) 8532, 7811, 5238, 4729, 3502, 3333

(v) 6854, 6845, 6584, 6548, 6485, 6458

VI. Write the ascending order (from the smallest to the biggest):

(i) 3294    3924     3492     3942     3429     3249

(ii) 2842     1395     8075     6207     5384     3946

(iii) 1378     1597     2845     7309     9098    7301

(iv) 3764     2245     2834     8843     4878     2349

(v) 4123     1532     4332     5023     3842     5382


VI. (i) 3249, 3294, 3429, 3492, 3924, 3942

(ii) 1395, 2842, 3946, 5384, 6207, 8075

(iii) 1378, 1597, 2845   7301, 7309, 9098    

(iv) 2245, 2349, 2834, 3764, 4878, 8843

(v) 1532, 3842, 4123, 4332, 5023, 5382

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