What are the rules for the comparison of one-digit numbers?
The comparison of one-digit numbers depends on their values. The value of a number is found by adding the place values of the digits. The value of a one-digit number is its face or place value. The place value or face value of the digit of a single digit number is the same.
We know:
6 > 4 8 > 5 |
4 < 6 8 < 9 |
If we compare one-digit numbers, the number which has the greater value (face value or place value) is greater than the number which has the smaller value, as shown above.
We also know: 8 < 10 or 10 > 8
The value of 10 is greater than 8.
The value of 8 is lesser than 10.
Similarly, 7 > 3 or 3 < 7 The value of 7 is greater than 3.
The value of 3 is lesser than 7.
Arranging 1-Digit Numbers:
(i) Arranging the numbers 7, 5, 1, 6, 9 in ascending order:
The numbers are arranged in ascending order 1, 5, 6, 7, 9.
(ii) Arranging the numbers 4, 8, 2, 5, 6 in descending order:
The numbers are arranged in descending order 8, 6, 5, 4, 2.
Thus, any two-digit number is always greater than a one-digit number.
10 > 9, 12 > 7, 11 > 5, etc.
Look at the numbers on the number line.
• A number on the left is always smaller than a number on the right.
For example,
3 < 7
8 < 9
1 < 4
• A number on the right is always greater than a number on the left.
For example,
6 > 2
9 > 5
3 > 1
1. Fill >, < or = in the blank.
(i) 7 _____ 3
(ii) 3 _____ 5
(iii) 6 _____ 1
(iv) 1 _____ 4
(v) 8 _____ 6
(vi) 8 _____ 8
(vii) 2 _____ 1
(viii) 4 _____ 9
(ix) 4 _____ 1
(x) 5 _____ 9
(xi) 2 _____ 2
(xii) 1 _____ 8
1. (i) 7 > 3
(ii) 3 < 5
(iii) 6 > 1
(iv) 1 < 4
(v) 8 > 6
(vi) 8 = 8
(vii) 2 > 1
(viii) 4 < 9
(ix) 4 > 1
(x) 5 < 9
(xi) 2 = 2
(xii) 1 < 8
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