Worksheet on Conversion of Measuring Capacity

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on conversion of measuring capacity.

1. Convert the following into milliliters.

Hint: To convert litters into milliliters, multiply the numbers of litters by 1000.

(i) 7 l = ………………..

(ii) 3 l = ………………..

(iii) 9 l = ………………..

(iv) 10 l = ………………..

(v) 24 l = ………………..

(vi) 15 l = ………………..

(vii) 8 l = ………………..

(viii) 13 l = ………………..

(ix) 28 l = ………………..

2. Convert the following into liters.

Hint: To convert milliliters into liters, divide the number of milliliters by 1000.

(i) 5000 ml = ………………..

(ii) 7000 ml = ………………..

(iii) 9000 ml = ………………..

(iv) 14000 ml = ………………..

(v) 23000 ml = ………………..

(vi) 32000 ml = ………………..

(vii) 2000 ml = ………………..

(viii) 17000 ml = ………………..

(ix) 8000 ml = ………………..

3. Convert the following liters and milliliters into milliliters.

Hint: To convert litters and milliliters into milliliters, multiply the numbers of litters by 1000 and add it to the number of milliliters.

(i) 3 l 250 ml = ………………..

(ii) 7 l 175 ml = ………………..

(iii) 2 l 600 ml = ………………..

(iv) 9 l 280 ml = ………………..

(v) 14 l 532 ml = ………………..

(vi) 26 l 405 ml = ………………..

(vii) 5 l 75 ml = ………………..

(viii) 39 l 7 ml = ………………..

(ix) 30 l 650 ml = ………………..

(x) 4 l 500 ml = ………………..

4. Convert the following milliliters into liters and milliliters.

Hint:  To convert milliliters into liters and milliliters, divide the number of milliliters by 1000, the quotient represents liters and remainder represents milliliters.

(i) 1300 ml = ………………..

(ii) 3250 ml = ………………..

(iii) 7532 ml = ………………..

(iv) 4007 ml = ………………..

(v) 2670 ml = ………………..

(vi) 5030 ml = ………………..

(vii) 10233 ml = ………………..

(viii) 9080 ml = ………………..

(ix) 3003 ml = ………………..

(x) 6408 ml = ………………..

5. Convert the following into given units:

(i) 50 ml = ………….. l

(ii) 9.5 kl = ………….. hl

(iii) 8 l = ………….. ml

(iv) 2.25 l = ………….. ml

(v) 7625 ml = ………….. l ………….. ml

(vi) 0.087 l = ………….. ml

(vii) 8 hl = ………….. l

(viii) 9 hl = ………….. dl

(ix) 6.623 l = ………….. ml

(x) 13488 ml = ………….. l ………….. ml

(xi) 865 ml = ………….. l

6. Express in l, dl, cl, ml:

(i) 419.375 l = ………….. l ………….. dl ………….. cl ………….. ml

(ii) 0.459 l = ………….. l ………….. dl ………….. cl ………….. ml

Word Problems on  Conversion of Measuring Capacity:

7. Answer the following question:

(i) A small car has a petrol tank with capacity of 34 liters. What is the capacity of the petrol tank in milliliters?

(ii) The capacity of a water tank in a house is 63256 milliliters. What is its capacity in liters?

(iii) Shelly added 35 ml of vanilla essence to a cake recipe. What is the quantity of vanilla essence in liters?

Answers for the worksheet on conversion of measuring capacity are given below.




1. (i) 7000 ml

(ii) 3000 ml

(iii) 9000 ml

(iv) 10000 ml

(v) 24000 ml

(vi) 15000 ml

(vii) 8000 ml

(viii) 13000 ml

(ix) 28000 ml

2. (i) 5 l

(ii) 7 l

(iii) 9 l

(iv) 14 l

(v) 23 l

(vi) 32 l

(vii) 2 l

(viii) 17 l

(ix) 8 l

3. (i) 3250 ml

(ii) 7175 ml

(iii) 2600 ml

(iv) 9280 ml

(v) 14532 ml

(vi) 26405 ml

(vii) 5075 ml

(viii) 39007 ml

(ix) 30650 ml

(x) 4500 ml


4. (i) 1 l 300 ml

(ii) 3 l 250 ml

(iii) 7 l 532 ml

(iv) 4 l 7 ml

(v) 2 l 670 ml

(vi) 5 l 30 ml

(vii) 10 l 233 ml

(viii) 9 l 80 ml

(ix) 3 l 3 ml

(x) 6 l 408 ml

5. (i) 0.05

(ii) 95

(iii) 8000

(iv) 2250

(v) 7 l 625 ml

(vi) 87

(vii) 800

(viii) 9000

(ix) 6623

(x) 13 l 488 ml

(xi) 0.865

6. (i) 419 l 3 dl 7 cl 5 ml

(ii) 4 dl 5 cl 9 ml

Worksheet on Conversion of Measuring Capacity

7. (i) 34000 milliliters

(ii) 63.256 liters

(iii) 0.035 liters

Standard Unit of Capacity

Conversion of Standard Unit of Capacity

Addition of Capacity

Subtraction of Capacity

Addition and Subtraction of Measuring Capacity

3rd Grade Math Worksheets

3rd Grade Math Lessons

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