Number 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are called Digits.
We use these digits to make more numbers.
One-Digit Numbers:
Number 1 to 9 are One-digit numbers.
Two-Digit Numbers:
Numbers 10 to 99 are Two-digit numbers.
Three-Digit Numbers:
The number 100 is a Three-digit number.
Forming Two-Digit Numbers Using the Given Digits
Numbers can be formed by using these digits:
Count and write the number of digits listed above.
Yes, these digits are 10.
Also, these digits are ten one-digit numbers.
Let us form as many two-digit numbers by using the digits 5 and 7 as we can.
We can write 57 and 75.
Can you form some other two-digit numbers using the digits 5 and 7?
Yes, these can be 55 and 77 also.
So, all possible two-digit numbers formed by using the digits 5 and 7 are:
57, 75, 55, 77
These are in all 4 numbers.
Out of these 4 numbers, 55 and 77 have the same digit repeating.
Numbers can be formed with or without the repetition of digits.
Let us read these examples.
1. Possible two-digit numbers formed by using the digits 1 and 7 without repetition are 17 and 71.
2. With digits 5 and 9 we may form the numbers 59, 95.
3. With the digit 0 and the digit 3, only the number 30 is formed.
The number 03 is not a two-digit number.
Let us form two-digit numbers using given digits with or without repetition.
I. Given digits 2 and 6.
● Two-digit numbers without repetition: 26, 62
● Two-digit numbers with repetition of digits: 22, 66
II. Given digits 0 and 4.
● Two-digit numbers without repetition: 40 (Only one number)
● Two-digit numbers with repetition of digits: 44 (Only one number)
Now complete the following sentences.
1. In all, there are __________ one-digit numbers.
2. The greatest one-digit number is __________ .
3. The number of two-digit numbers from 10 to 19 is __________ .
4. The number of two-digit numbers from 20 to 39 is __________ .
5. The number of two-digit numbers from 40 to 69 is __________ .
6. The number of two-digit numbers from 70 to 99 is __________ .
7. The number of two-digit numbers from 1 to 99 is __________ .
8. The smallest two-digit number is __________ .
9. The greatest two-digit number is __________ .
10. Two-digit numbers with repetition are 11, 22, __________ 99.
1. 9
2. 9
3. 10
4. 20
5. 30
6. 30
7. 90
8. 10
9. 99
10. 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88
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