To collect the data for the pictograph, the students should collect data from the surroundings pertaining to home, school and nearest areas. The village, agricultural yields, nearby industry may be taken into consideration.
1. Number and names of different types of toothpaste used by the children of a class and a school and then schools of a town.
2. Number and names of different soaps used by the children of a class, a school and then schools of a town.
3. The number of students of a class or a school born in different months of the year.
4. The number of school going children of different villages in a block (region).
5. The quantities of different grains (wheat, gram, rice, etc.) produced by the farmers of a village in a block.
6. The number of animals (cow, buffalo, hen, pig, etc.,) domesticated by the villagers of a village or block.
7. The number of school going boys and girls of a village, block, city.
After collecting the data the students should know how to display the obtained data with the help of a pictograph.
the pictograph, the students should interpret it and get the concerned
information. Regarding concerned information the students should be
asked proper questions.
Related Concepts on Data Handling
● Pictograph to Represent The Collected Data
From Data for The Pictograph to HOME PAGE
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