In classification of triangle worksheet contains various types of questions on scalene triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, acute angled triangle or acute triangle, obtuse angled triangle or obtuse triangle, right angled triangle or right angle.
1. State whether the triangle is scalene or not whose measures of sides are given below:
(i) 6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm
(ii) а cm, b cm, c cm
1. (i) This is a scalene triangle.
(ii) This is not a scalene triangle.
2. State whether the following is isosceles triangle or not whose measures of sides are given below:
(i) 3 cm, 3 cm, 2 сm
(ii) а cm, b cm, c cm
2. (i) This is a Isosceles triangle
(ii) This is not a Isosceles triangle
3. State whether the triangle is right angled or not whose measures are given below:
(i) 58°, 83°, 39°
(ii) 30°, 60°, 90°
3. (i) This is not a right triangle
(ii) This is a right triangle .
4. State whether the triangles are equilateral or not whose measures of sides are given below:
(i) 5.8 cm, 7 cm, 5.8 cm
(ii) а cm, b cm, c cm
4. (i) This is not a equilateral triangle
(ii) This is a equilateral triangle
5. State whether the triangle is acute-angled or not whose measures are given below:
(i) 58°, 83°, 39°
(ii) 56°, 48°, 76°
5. (i) This is a cute angled triangle
(ii) This is a cute angled triangle
6. In the adjoining figure, how many medians and altitudes can be drawn? Answer: 6. 9 medians and 9 altitude |
7. State whether the triangle is obtuse-angled or not whose measures are given below:
(i) 65°, 95°, 20°
(ii) 109°, 40°, 31°
7. (i) This is a obtuse angled triangle
(ii) This is also a obtuse angled triangle
8. Which of the following can be the possible lengths (in cm) of a triangle?
(i) 3.9, 3.9, 3.9
(ii) 21, 22, 43
8. (i) possible length of a triangle.
(ii) not possible lengths of a triangle.
9. The exterior ∠ACD of a ∆ABC is 105° If ∠B = 70°, find ∠A. Is ∠ACD > ∠A ? Find ∠ACB also. Answer: 9. ∠A = 35° ∠ACB = 75° |
10. In the adjoining figure, name the altitude and median of ∆PQR. Answer: 10. altitude - PT, MN and median QS |
11. Study the 9 triangles in the following figure:
(i) Name the right triangles.
(ii) Name the obtuse triangles.
(iii) Name the acute triangles.
11. (i) Right triangles are ∆ABC, ∆ACD, ∆ADB, ∆BCD
(ii) Obtuse triangles are ∆AOB, ∆DOC
(iii) Acute triangles are ∆BOC, ∆DOA, ∆PAD
12. O is a point in the interior of ∆ABC State which of the following statements are true or false. Give reasons in support of your answer.
(i) OA + OB > AB
(ii) OB + OC > BC
(iii) OA + OC = AC
12. (i) True; since, in ∆AOB The sum of any two sides in a triangle is greater than the third side.
(ii) True; since, in ∆BOC The sum of any two sides in a triangle is greater than the third side.
(iii) False, in ∆AOC; OA + OC > AC
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