4th Grade Worksheet 7

In 4th grade worksheet 7 let’s solve the 11 questions on fractions. These are the practice test questions on fractions.

1. Write the following fractions in words:

(i) 7/11 (seven upon eleven or seven-eleventh)

(ii) 3/20

(iii) 15/17

2. Write 4 equivalent fractions for each of the following:

(i) 5/7

(ii) 4/9

(iii) 3/11

(iv) 7/9

3. Verify whether the fractions of each pair are equivalent:

(i) 4/7 and 12/21

(ii) 28/35 and 4/5

(iii) 6/7 and 7/6

4. Write 4 like fractions with the denominator 16.

5. Select the (i) proper (ii) improper and (iii) mixed fractions from the following given fractions:

2/3, 1/9, 9/2, 2 ½, 3/11, 11/5, 2/7, 2 2/5, 18/7, 9/9, 4 1/5, 21/5

6. (i) Convert the fractions 3/10 and 4/5 into like fractions.

(ii) Change the fraction 5/12 as the fraction having 36 as denominator.

(iii) Change 75/100 into its simplest fraction.

7. Convert the following into fractions having a common denominator:

(i) 2/3, 5/6, 7/8

(ii) 8/5, 3/10, 9/25, 7/20

8. (i) Convert 3 ¾, 5 2/3, 6 5/6, 4 1/2 into improper fractions.

(ii) Convert 43/5, 59/8, 73/9, 41/4, 47/5 into mixed fractions.

(iii) Write the fractions 3 1/4, 72/7, 12 7/9, 15 5/6 as the sum of a whole and a proper fraction.

9. Write the following in ascending order:

(i) 3/4, 5/12, 7/16, 5/6

(ii) 7/8, 1/8, 3/8, 9/8

10. Add the following fractions:

(i) 5/6 + 7/6

(ii) 1/6 + 1/8

(iii) 4/5 + 9/10 + 7/15

11. Subtract:

(i) 3/11 from 9/11

(ii) 3/4 – 5/8

(iii) 19/4 – 11/8

If students have any queries regarding the questions please fill-up the comment box so that we can help you. However, suggestions for further improvement, from all quarters would be greatly appreciated. 

 Practice Test - Worksheets

4th Grade Worksheet 1

4th Grade Worksheet 2

4th Grade Worksheet 3

4th Grade Worksheet 4

4th Grade Worksheet 5

4th Grade Worksheet 6

4th Grade Worksheet 7

4th Grade Worksheet 8

4th Grade Worksheet 9

4th Grade Worksheet 10

4th Grade Worksheet 11

4th Grade Worksheet 12

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