Practice the worksheet on large numbers. Read the questions carefully to answer the sheet of moving towards large numbers.
In worksheet on large numbers the questions are based on numerals and number names of large numbers, expanded form, standard numerals, predecessor and successor of a number, comparing numbers, digit values and place value of a number.
1. Write the numerals for the following:
(a) One thousand seventy four.
(b) Two thousand seven hundred fifty nine.
(c) Four thousand seventeen.
(d) Eight thousand one hundred seven.
2. Write the number names for the following:
(a) 7565
(b) 2409
(c) 5170
(d) 9004
3. Write the expanded form as shown in the example:
725 = 7 hundreds 2 tens 5 ones
(a) 517
(b) 112
(c) 305
(d) 947
4. Write the standard numerals as shown in the example:
500 + 40 + 8 = 548
(a) 200 + 20 + 7 =
(b) 400 + 7 =
(c) 700 + 80 =
(d) 800 + 80 + 8 =
5. Write the predecessor and successor of:
(a) 700
(b) 469
(c) 550
(d) 299
6. Compare using > = <:
(a) 246 _____ 264
(b) 549 _____ 459
(c) 82 _____ 182
(d) 946 _____ 946
7. Form the smallest number using the given digits:
(a) 274
(b) 906
8. Fill in the blanks:
(a) The successor of the largest two digit number is ___________ .
(b) The predecessor of the smallest two digit number is ___________ .
9. Counting by twos write the numerals from 1246.
10. Match the columns:
(a) 3000 + 900 + 60 + 5 4107
(b) 4000 + 100 + 7 3965
(c) 9000 + 900 + 90 + 9 523
(d) 500 + 20 + 3 9999
Students can check the answers of the worksheet on large numbers are given below.
1. (a) 1074
(b) 2759
(c) 4017
(d) 8107
2. (a) Seven thousand five hundred sixty five
(b) Two thousand four hundred nine
(c) Five thousand one hundred seventy
(d) Nine thousand four
3. (a) 5 hundreds 1 ten 7 ones
(b) 1 hundred 1 ten 2 ones
(c) 3 hundreds 5 ones
(d) 9 hundreds 4 tens 7 ones
4. (a) 227
(b) 407
(c) 780
(d) 888
5. (a) 699; 701
(b) 468; 470
(c) 549; 551
(d) 298; 300
6. (a) <
(b) >
(c) <
(d) =
7. (a) 247
(b) 609
8. (a) 100
(b) 9
9. 1248; 1250; 1252; 1254
10. (a) 3965
(b) 4107
(c) 9999
(d) 523
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