We have already learned to count up to 6-digit numbers. We know six digit numbers are expressed in terms of hundreds of thousands but now we will learn numbers beyond six digits. We know that the greatest 6-digit number is 999,999. If we add 1 to 999,999, we get the smallest 7-digit number.
999,999 + 1 = 1,000, 000
It is read as one million. The greatest 7-digit number is 9,999,999. It is read as nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine.
In the same way, if we add 1 to the largest 7-digit number, we get the smallest 8-digit number.
9,999,999 + 1 = 10,000,000
It is read as ten million. The largest 8-digit number is 99,999,999. It is read as ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine. Now, if we add, 1 to the largest 8-digit number, we get the smallest 9-digit number
99,999,999 + 1 = 100,000,000
It is read as ten million. The largest 8-digit number is 99,999,999. It is read as ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine. Now, if we add, 1 to the largest 8-digit number, we get the smallest 9-digit number
99,999,999 + 1 = 100,000,000
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