We can check subtraction by adding the difference to the smaller number. Let us see how.
Since the sum of difference and smaller number is equal to the larger number, subtraction is correct.
This method also works with sums that need regrouping.
More examples on Check subtraction using addition
Find the difference and check your answers using addition:
1. 82 - 48
Let's try to subtract 48 from 82.
Therefore, the difference is 34.
Now check the subtraction is correct or not.
So, we add add difference (34) and subtrahend (48). If the sum is equal to the minuend (82) then the the subtraction is correct.
Therefore, the sum (82) is equal to the minuend (82).
Thus, we can say that the subtraction is correct!
2. Subtract 24 from 59.
Since the sum of difference (35) and smaller number (24) is equal to the larger number (59), subtraction is correct.
To check subtraction, add the difference of two numbers to the subtrahend to get the minuend.
3. Subtract 3189 from 7325, and check the answer by addition.
The difference between 7325 and 3189 is 4136. If we add this difference to 3189, we get 7325. So, our subtraction is correct.
1. Questions and Answers on Checking Subtraction using Addition:
(i) 74 - 59
(ii) 60 - 25
(iii) 32 - 19
(iv) 91 - 20
(v) 81- 38
(vi) 64 - 27
(vii) 72 - 38
(viii) 96 - 84
(ix) 45 - 31
(x) 81 - 56
1. (i) 15
(ii) 35
(iii) 13
(iv) 71
(v) 43
(vi) 37
(vii) 34
(viii) 12
(ix) 14
(x) 25
2. Subtract each of the following and check the answers by addition:
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