4th Grade Division Worksheet

In 4th grade division worksheet we will solve division by 2-digit by 1-dight number, division by 3-digit by 1-dight number, division by 4-digit by 1-dight number, division by 2-digit numbers, division by 10 and 100, properties of division, terms related to division, division by partial method, estimation in division and word problems on division.

I. Write the dividend, the divisor and the quotient in each of the following:

(i) 63 ÷ 9

(ii) 28 ÷ 7

(iii) 710 ÷ 10

II. Divide and find the quotient and the remainder:

(i) 960 ÷ 8

(ii) 1792 ÷ 7

(iii) 3,975 ÷ 5

(iv) 2,640 ÷ 3

(v) 9,819 ÷ 6

(vi) 3,655 ÷ 7

(vii) 9000 ÷ 8

(viii) 9,213 ÷ 4

III. In each of the following, find the quotient and the remainder:

(i) 75 ÷ 10

(ii) 185 ÷ 10

(iii) 1,703 ÷ 100

(iv) 6,815 ÷ 100

(v) 4,103 ÷ 100

(vi) 6,019 ÷ 100

(vii) 3,109 ÷ 100

(viii) 9,842 ÷ 10

IV. Fill in the blanks using properties of division:

(i) 405 ÷ 1 = _____

(ii) _____ ÷ 1 = 7629

(iii) _____ ÷ 4297 = 1

(iv) 0 ÷ 621 = _____

V. Divide the following by partial division method.

(i) 624 ÷ 3

(ii) 770 ÷ 7

VI. Choose the right answer:

(i) The largest remainder that can be left when a number is divided by 7 is:

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) 6

(ii) Find the number which when divided by 7 give quotient 4 and remainder 4:

(a) 10

(b) 28

(c) 32

(iii) When we divide numbers we get:

(a) Sum and difference

(b) Product and multiple

(c) Quotient and remainder

(iv) Division is also known as repeated:

(a) Predecessor

(b) Subtraction

(c) Addition

(d) Successor

(v) 3890 ÷ 10

(a) 389

(b) 3890

(c) 38900

(d) 0

(vi) Half of 48 is:

(a) 22

(b) 96

(c) 24

(d) 48

(vii) Triple of 41 is:

(a) 41

(b) 410

(c) 82

(d) 123

VII. Complete the given wheels:


Division Table Wheel Worksheet


4th Grade Division Table Wheel Worksheet

VIII. Choose the right answer and fill in the blank:

(i) If 16 × 7 = 112, then 112 ÷ 7 = ……………..

(a) 16

(b) 7

(c) 112

(ii) 3005 ÷ 100 = ……………..

(a) Q = 30, R = 5

(b) Q = 53, R = 0

(c) Q = 35, R = 0

(iii) 36 ÷ 10 = ……………..

(a) Q = 3, R = 6

(b) Q = 30, R = 6

(c) Q = 36, R = 0

(iv) 1293 ÷ 100 = ……………..

(a) Q = 1293, R = 0

(b) Q = 12, R = 93

(c) Q = 129, R = 3

IX. Match the following

Column A

(a) 5690 ÷ 12

(b) 5690 ÷  5690

(c) 0 ÷ 5690

(d) 5690 ÷ 100

(e) 5690 ÷ 1

(f) 5690 ÷ 1000

Column B

(i) Q = 5690; R = 0

(ii) Q = 56; R = 90

(iii) Q = 1; R = 0

(iv) Q = 5; R = 690

(v) Q = 0; R = 0

(vi) Q = 474; R = 2

X. Divide and find the quotient and remainder:

(i) 93 ÷ 31

(ii) 281 ÷ 35

(iii) 4471 ÷ 13

(iv) 86 ÷ 43

(v) 525 ÷ 22

(vi) 1525 ÷ 15

XI. Tick the right answer:

1. When we divide 1000 by 10, the answer is:

(i) 10

(ii) 100

(iii) 1000

2. When we divide 5000 by 1000 the answer is

(i) 5

(ii) 50

(iii) 500

3. When we divide a number by 25000 by 100, the answer is:

(i) 25

(ii) 2500

(iii) 250

XII. Choose the right answer and fill in the blank.

2085 ÷ 100 = …………...

(i) Q = 208, R = 5

(ii) Q = 20, R = 85

(iii) Q = 2085, R = 0

XIII. Estimate the quotient by rounding off the given numbers:

Estimating the Quotient

XIV. Divide and verify the answer:

(i)  256 ÷ 7

(ii) 723 ÷ 15

(iii) 2000 ÷ 28

(iv) 1198 ÷ 16

Word Problems on 4th Grade Division:

XV. Answer the following questions:

1. Nitheeya want to distribute $5950 among 7 persons. How many dollars will each person get?

2. In a division sum, divisor = 95, quotient = 75 and remainder = 52, find the dividend.

3. 45 packets of sugar can be loaded in a truck. How many trucks will be required to lead 1150 packets of sugar?

4. The product of two numbers is 7752. If one of them is 17, find the other.

5. 70 packets of wheat weigh 7350 kg. Find the weight of one wheat packet.

6. 2096 boxes are to be packed equally in 16 bags. Find the number of boxes in each bag?

7. Ron has 56 chocolates. He wants to distribute them equally among 8 of his friends. How many chocolates will each friend get? Will Ron be left with some chocolates for himself?


I. (i) Dividend: 63; Divisor: 9; Quotient: 7

(ii) Dividend: 28; Divisor: 7; Quotient: 4

(iii) Dividend: 710; Divisor: 10; Quotient: 71

II. (i) Quotient: 120; Remainder: 0 

(ii) Quotient: 256; Remainder: 0 

(iii) Quotient: 795; Remainder: 0 

(iv) Quotient: 880; Remainder: 0 

(v) Quotient: 1636; Remainder: 3 

(vi) Quotient: 522; Remainder: 1

(vii) Quotient: 1125; Remainder: 0 

(viii) Quotient: 2303; Remainder: 1

III. (i) Quotient: 7; Remainder: 5

(ii) Quotient: 18; Remainder: 5

(iii) Quotient: 17; Remainder: 3 

(iv) Quotient: 68; Remainder: 15 

(v) Quotient: 41; Remainder: 3 

(vi) Quotient: 60; Remainder: 19

(vii) Quotient: 31; Remainder: 9 

(viii) Quotient: 984; Remainder: 2 

IV. (i) 405 

(ii) 7629

(iii) 4297

(iv) 0

V. (i) 624 ÷ 3

= (600 + 24) ÷ 3

= (600 ÷ 3) + (24 ÷ 3)

= 200 + 8

= 208

(ii) 770 ÷ 7

= (700 + 70) ÷ 7

= (700 ÷ 7) + (70 ÷ 7)

= 100 + 10

= 110

VI. (i) (c) 6

(ii) (c) 32

(iii) (c) Quotient and remainder

(iv) (b) Subtraction

(v) (a) 389

(vi) (c) 24

(vii) (d) 123

VII. (i) Q = 16, R = 90; 3380; Q = 169, R = 0; Q = 845, R = 0;

(ii) Q = 27, R = 84;  Q = 2, R = 784; 5568; Q = 1392, R = 0

VIII. (i) (a) 16

(ii) (a) Q = 30, R = 5

(iii) (a) Q = 3, R = 6

(iv) (b) Q = 12, R = 93

IX. (a) → (vi)

(b) → (iii)

(c) → (v)

(d) → (ii)

(e) → (i)

(f)→ (iv)

X. (i) Q = 3, R = 0

(ii) Q = 8, R = 1

(iii) Q = 343, R = 12

(iv) Q = 2, R = 0

(v) Q = 23, R = 19

(vi) Q = 101, R = 10

XI. 1. (ii) 100

2. (i) 5

3. (iii) 250

XII. (ii) Q = 20, R = 85

XIII. (i) 80 ÷ 40, Q = 2, R = 0

(ii) 150 ÷ 70, Q = 2, R = 10

(iii) 600 ÷ 300, Q = 2, R = 0

(iv) 5000 ÷ 5000, Q = 1, R = 0


XIV. (i)  Q = 36, R = 4

(ii) Q = 48, R = 3

(iii) Q = 71, R = 12

(iv) Q = 74, R = 14


1. $ 850

2. 7177

3. 25 trucks, 25 will be left over.

4. 456

5. 105 kg

6. 131

7. 7, 0

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