2-Digit Numbers Subtraction using Short Form

Here we will learn 2-digit numbers subtraction using short form.

Let's try to solve the following example:

Subtraction of 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping using Short Form.

1. Subtract 49 from 75.

In the given numbers, 75 is greater than 49. So, we write 49 below 75 as shown on the right.

Now we take the following steps.

Subtraction using Short Form

Step I: Subtract the ones:

We cannot subtract 9 ones from 5 ones. So, we borrow 1 ten, from 7 tens leaving behind 6 tens.

Now, we have 1 ten + 5 ones = 15 ones.

15 ones - 9 ones = 6 ones.

Write 6 under ones column.

Step II: Subtract the tens:

6 tens - 4 tens = 2 tens.

Write 2 under tens column.

2-Digit Numbers Subtraction using Short Form

Therefore, 75 - 49 = 26.

2. Subtract 28 from 47.

In the given numbers, 47 is greater than 28. So, we write 28 below 47 as shown on the right.

Now we take the following steps.

Subtraction 2-Digit Numbers using Short Form

Step I: Subtract the ones:

We cannot subtract 8 ones from 7 ones. So, we borrow 1 ten, from 4 tens leaving behind 3 tens.

Now, we have 1 ten + 7 ones = 17 ones.

17 ones - 8 ones = 9 ones.

Write 9 under ones column.

Step II: Subtract the tens:

3 tens - 2 tens = 1 ten.

Write 1 under tens column.

Two Digit Numbers Subtraction using Short Form

Therefore, 47 - 28 = 19

3. Subtract 39 from 90.

In the given numbers, 90 is greater than 39. So, we write 39 below 90 as shown on the right.

Now we take the following steps.

2-Digit Subtraction using Shot Form

Step I: Subtract the ones:

We cannot subtract 9 ones from 0 ones. So, we borrow 1 ten, from 9 tens leaving behind 8 tens.

Now, we have 1 ten + 0 ones = 10 ones.

10 ones - 9 ones = 1 one.

Write 1 under ones column.

Step II: Subtract the tens:

8 tens - 3 tens = 5 tens.

Write 5 under tens column.

2-Digit Two Digit Subtraction using Shot Form

Therefore, 90 - 39 = 51.

Questions and Answers on 2-Digit Numbers Subtraction using Short Form:

1. Subtract the following:

(i) 81 - 57 = _____

(ii) 65 - 29 = _____

(iii) 50 - 12 = _____

(iv) 94 - 76 = _____

(v) 78 - 39 = _____

(vi) 64 - 47 = _____

(vii) 91 - 79 = _____

(viii) 57 - 29 = _____


1. (i) 24

(ii) 36 

(iii) 38

(iv) 18 

(v) 39

(vi) 17 

(vii) 12

(viii) 28

2. Write the given numbers in columns and subtract. One is done for you.

(i) 25 from 70

(ii) 19 from 35 = _____

(iii) 78 from 85 = _____

(iv) 27 from 70 = _____

(v) 13 from 40 = _____

(vi) 46 from 63 = _____

(vii) 28 from 45 = _____

(viii) 59 from 88 = _____

(ix) 16 from 75 = _____

(x) 38 from 81 = _____

(xi) 17 from 33 = _____

(xii) 56 from 82 = _____

(xiii) 27 from 52 = _____

(xiv) 18 from 57 = _____

(xv) 35 from 64 = _____

(xvi) 51 from 80 = _____


2. (ii) 16

(iii) 7 

(iv) 43

(v) 27 

(vi) 17

(vii) 17

(viii) 29

(ix) 59

(x) 43 

(xi) 16 

(xii) 26 

(xiii) 25

(xiv) 39

(xv) 29

(xvi) 29 

3. Word problems on 2-Digit Numbers Subtraction using Short Form:

(i) A library has 82 maths books and 67 science books. How many less science books are there than maths books?

(ii) Sarala is reading a book which has 87 pages. She has read 38 pages. How many pages has she left to read?

(iii) There were 65 dolls in a toy shop. During the day 28 of them were sold. How many dolls are still in the shop?

(iv) A bus has 57 seats. 39 students went on picnic in the bus. How many seats remained vacant?

(v) Out of 92 workers in an office, 35 are men. How many women work in that office?

(vi) A fruit-seller had 71 apples. Out of them, 59 were sold. How many apples were left unsold?


3. (i) 15 books 

(ii) 49 pages.

(iii) 37 dolls.

(iv) 18 seats.

(v) 57 women.

(vi) 12 apples.

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