Worksheet on Multiplicand and Multiplier

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on multiplicand and multiplier. We know the number to be multiplied is called the multiplicand and the number with which we multiply is called the multiplier and their result obtained is called the product.

I. Find the product of the following:

(i) 701 × 256

(ii) 345 × 678  

(iii) 908 × 765  

(iv) 327 × 401  

(v) 442 × 123

(vi) 987 × 543

(vii) 222 × 444  

(viii) 569 × 121  

(ix) 240 × 120  

(x) 813 × 912

(xi) 5801 × 901  

(xii) 4999 × 372  

(xiii) 5273 × 124  

(xiv) 2693 × 254           

(xv) 3676 × 402  

(xvi) 6318 × 517  

(xvii) 2453 × 435  

(xviii) 6438 × 243                     

(xix) 3453 × 528

(xx) 3928 × 292

II. Find the product:

(i) 6 × 1000

(ii) 12 × 100

(iii) 125 × 10

(iv) 7 × 900

(v) 23 × 200

(vi) 465 × 300

(vii) 128 × 2000

(viii) 468 × 4000

(ix) 70 × 5000

(x) 240 × 500

(xi) 109 × 200

(xii) 826 × 7000

III. Fill in the blanks:

(i) 8 × 100 = ____

(ii) 12 × 20 = ____

(iii) 50 × 1000 = ____ 

(iv) 35 × 50 = ____ 

(v) 14 × 20 = ____

(vi) 29 × 40 = ____

(vii) 35 × 60 = ____

(viii) 49 × 300 = ____

(ix) 280 × 30 = ____

(x) 94 × 200 = ____ 

IV. Solve the following:

1. Mike travels 380 km per day. How much will he travel in 120 day?

2. Ron spends $8382 per month. How much will he spend in 112 months?

3. One coat costs $1121. How much will 248 such coats cost?

4. The cost of a table is $3838. How much will 123 such tables cost?

5. A motor-bike cost $2138. How much will 189 such motor-bikes cost?

6. Jack saves $8946 per month. How much will he save in 136 months?

7. The cost of a digital-camera set is $6249. What will be the cost of 107 such sets?

8. Mary sold 136 t-shirts at the rate of $1725 per t-shirt. What amount did she receive?

Answers for the worksheet on multiplicand and multiplier are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on multiplication.


I. (i) 179456

(ii) 233910

(iii) 694620

(iv) 131127

(v) 54366

(vi) 535941

(vii) 98568

(viii) 68849

(ix) 28800

(x) 741456

(xi) 5226701

(xii) 1859628

(xiii) 653852

(xiv) 684022

(xv) 1477752

(xvi) 3266406

(xvii) 1067055

(xviii) 1564434

(xix) 1823184

(xx) 1146976

II. (i) 6000

(ii) 1200

(iii) 1250

(iv) 6300

(v) 4600

(vi) 139500

(vii) 256000

(viii) 1872000

(ix) 350000

(x) 120000

(xi) 21800

(xii) 5782000

III. (i) 800

(ii) 240

(iii) 50000

(iv) 1750

(v) 280

(vi) 1160

(vii) 2100

(viii) 14700

(ix) 840

(x) 18800

IV. (i) 45600 km

(ii) $938784

(iii) $278008

(iv) $472074

(v) $404082

(vi) $1216656

(vii) $668643

(viii) $234600

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