Word Problems on Subtracting Money

Read the questions given in the word problems on subtracting money. We need to understand the statement and subtract the money as ordinary numbers.

1. Alex had $ 9839.37 and Mike had $ 3299.07 less than that of Alex. How much did Mike has?


Amount of money Alex had                              =                  $ 9839.37

Amount of money Mike had less than Alex          =             -    $ 3299.07

Amount of money Mike had                             =                   $ 6540.30

Answer: $ 6540.30

2. Shane had $ 8757.36. He gave $ 6934.53 to Max. How much is left with him?

Amount of money Shane had                    =             $ 8757.36

Amount of money he gave to Max             =          -  $ 6934.53

Amount of money left with Shane             =             $ 1822.83

Answer: $ 1822.83

3. Sam purchased an air ticket for $ 8354.85 out of $ 8975.00 he had. How much is left with him?

Total amount of money Sam had                                 =             $ 8975.00

Amount of money he used to purchase an air ticket        =         -  $ 8354.85

Amount of money left with Sam                                  =             $   620.15

Answer: $ 620.15

4. Rex went to purchase a music system. He could not purchase it because $ 2085.35 were short. If the cost of the music system was $ 9289.62, how much did he have with him?

Cost of the music system was                 =             $ 9289.62

Amount of money were short                   =         -  $ 2085.35

Amount of money Rex have with him         =            $ 7204.27

Answer: $ 7204.27

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