In subtraction without Decomposition (2-digit number from 2-digit number) we will learn how to subtract the numbers that don’t involve decomposition (borrowing from the left hand column).
How to solve subtraction with no decomposition – Tens and Units?
Consider the following examples on subtraction without decomposition (2-digit number from 2-digit number). Step-by-step we will learn subtracting two numbers without borrowing.
1. Subtract 15 from 69.
(i) Arrange the two numbers, one number should be written above the other number as shown.
(ii) When subtracting one number from the other number, we
start counting the units or ones place in the right side column and then move
on to the tens place in the left side column. In each column the top number is
bigger than the bottom number; we subtract the bottom number from the top
number and write the result below. In this sum, we can subtract 5 from 9 in the
units place column (9 - 5 = 4) to get 4 as shown.
(iii) Now we move along to the tens column to subtract the ten’s place numbers and subtract 1 from 6 to get 5 as shown.
(iv) The difference of 69 - 15 = 54
2. Subtract 25 from 56.
(i) Arrange the two numbers, one number should be written above the other number as shown.
(ii) When subtracting one number from the other number, we start counting the units or ones place in the right side column and then move on to the tens place in the left side column. In each column the top number is bigger than the bottom number; we subtract the bottom number from the top number and write the result below. In this sum, we can subtract 5 from 6 in the units place column (6 - 5 = 1) to get 1 as shown.
(iii) Now we move along to the tens column to subtract the ten’s place numbers and subtract 2 from 5 to get 3 as shown.
(iv) The difference of 56 - 25 = 31
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