Estimation of Line Segments

We can estimate some lengths and distances using approximate value for measurements. For example, one meter is approximately the length from shoulder to fingertips of an adult. A meter is also approximately the distance of one large step or jump. You must have seen the cloth merchant measuring the cloth using their arms.

Estimation of Line Segments

While estimating length and distance can be useful, we often need to know exactly how long something is. To measure accurately, we use different measuring instruments like scale, measuring tape etc.

Let us learn estimation with the following activity.

Step I: Trace your hand on paper and measure the length of your hand in cm. Let us take it as 10 cm.

Step II: Now take your note book and estimate the length using your hand.

Step III: Now measure the actual length of notebook using ruler.

Let us draw a line segment of 5 cm without using a ruler. Now measure the line and write down the actual length. Observe the estimated length and the actual length.

Questions and Answers on Estimation of Line Segments:

Collect 5 objects from your surroundings and write the estimated length and actual length in the given table. One has been done for you.


Write the unit (m or cm)

Estimated Length

Actual Length

How good was your estimate?

Length of a notebook


25 cm

27 cm

2 cm short


























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