Here we will discuss about the addition of three 2-digit numbers.
Look at the following abacuses:
How many beads are there in all the three abacuses?
Answer: There are 98 beads in all the three abacuses.
1. Let us add 14, 26 and 35.
Write the numbers one below the other as shown.
Step I: Add the ones.
4 ones + 6 ones + 5 ones = 15 ones
Regroup: 15 ones = 1 ten and 5 ones
Write 5 in the ones place.
Carry over 1 ten and write it under 'T',
Step II: Add the tens.
1 ten (carried over) + 1 ten + 2 tens + 3 tens = 7 tens
Write 7 in the tens place.
The sum is 75.
2. John, Mack and Maria are reading books. John has read 35 pages, Mack has read 28 pages and Maria has read 24 pages. How many pages did they read in all?
35 + 28 + 24 = ?
Step I: Add the ones.
5 + 8 + 4 = 17 ones
Regroup and carry over 1 ten
Write 7 under ones column.
Step II: Add the tens.
3 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 8 tens
Write 8 under tens columns.
So, they read 87 pages altogether.
1. Add the following three 2-digit numbers without regrouping:
(i) |
T O 3 2 1 4 + 2 3
(ii) |
T O 1 5 2 2 + 5 1
(iii) |
T O 2 4 3 1 + 4 3
(iv) |
T O 3 3 4 2 + 2 4
1. (i) 69
(ii) 88
(iii) 98
(iv) 99
2. Add the following three 2-digit numbers:
(i) 12 + 23 + 46 = _____
(ii) 24 + 15 + 18 = _____
(iii) 30 + 17 + 12 = _____
(iv) 48 + 21 + 17 = _____
(v) 62 + 11 + 18 = _____
(vi) 41 + 24 + 18 = _____
(vii) 56 + 16 + 26 = _____
(viii) 18 + 27 + 31 = _____
(ix) 12 + 48 + 24 = _____
(x) 27 + 11 + 39 = _____
(xi) 21 + 15 + 27 = _____
(xii) 18 + 22 + 36 = _____
(xiii) 26 + 25 + 27 = _____
(xiv) 33 + 49 + 9 = _____
(xv) 39 + 24 + 25 = _____
(xvi) 43 + 35 + 16 = _____
(xvii) 68 + 13 + 8 = _____
(xviii) 45 + 16 + 19 = _____
(xix) 18 + 24 + 29 = _____
(xx) 25 + 25 + 25 = _____
2. (i) 81
(ii) 57
(iii) 59
(iv) 86
(v) 91
(vi) 83
(vii) 98
(viii) 76
(ix) 84
(x) 77
(xi) 63
(xii) 76
(xiii) 78
(xiv) 91
(xv) 88
(xvi) 94
(xvii) 89
(xviii) 80
(xix) 71
(xx) 75
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