Addition of 5-Digit Numbers

We will learn about the addition of 5-digit numbers (without carrying and with carrying).

We know how to add 2 or 3, 4-digit numbers without carrying or with carrying. Now we will apply the same method while adding two 5-digit numbers (without carrying and with carrying) and three 5-digit numbers (without carrying and with carrying). Arrange the numbers in columns and then add ones, then tens, then hundreds, the thousands, finally ten thousands.

Consider some of the examples.

1. Add 12347 and 46152 without carrying

Adding ones

      TTh    Th     H     T     O

        1       2      3     4     7

+      4       6      1     5     2


Adding tens

      TTh    Th     H     T     O

        1       2      3     4     7

+      4       6      1     5     2

                               9     9


Adding hundreds

      TTh    Th     H     T     O

        1       2      3     4     7

+      4       6      1     5     2

                         4     9     9

Adding thousands

      TTh    Th     H     T     O

        1       2      3     4     7

+      4       6      1     5     2

                8       4     9     9

Adding ten thousands

      TTh    Th     H     T     O

        1       2      3     4     7

+      4       6      1     5     2

        5       8      4     9     9

2. Add 28743 and 34978 with carrying.

Adding ones 

      TTh    Th      H      T     O


        2       8      7      4      3

+      3       4      9      7      8


Add ones i.e., 8 + 3 = 11.

Write 1 below in ones column and carry 1 to tens column.

Adding tens  

      TTh    Th     H      T     O

                        1        1

        2       8      7      4     3

+      3       4      9      7     8

                                2     1

Add tens i.e., 1 + 4 + 7 = 12.

Write 2 below in tens column and carry 1 to hundreds column.

Adding hundreds  

      TTh     Th     H     T     O

                 1      1       

        2       8      7     4      3

+      3       4      9     7      8

                        7     2      1

Add hundreds i.e., 1 + 7 + 9 = 17.

Write 7 below in hundreds column and carry 1 to thousands column.

Adding thousands  

      TTh    Th     H     T     O

        1       1               

        2       8      7     4     3

+      3       4      9     7     8

                3       7     2     1

Add thousands i.e., 1 + 8 + 4 = 13.

Write 3 below in thousands column and carry 1 to ten thousands column.

Adding ten thousands

      TTh    Th     H     T     O


        2       8      7     4     3

+      3       4      9     7     8

        6       3      7     2     1

Add ten thousands i.e., 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.

Write 6 below in ten thousands column.

3. Find the sum of 38426 and 41270 without carrying.


Arrange the digits of the addends in columns.

I. Add ones

II. Add tens

III. Add hundreds

IV. Add thousands

V. Add ten thousands

6 + 0 = 6

2 + 7 = 9

4 + 2 = 6

8 + 1 = 9

3 + 4 = 7

Addition of 5-Digit Numbers

The sum of 38426 and 41270 is 79696

1. Find the sum of 31452, 68913 and 25438

Addition of 5-Digit Numbers with Carrying


I. Add ones. 2 + 3 + 8 = 13 ones = 1 ten 3 ones. Write 3 under ones, carry 1 to tens place.

II. Add tens. 1 (carry up) + 5 + 1 + 3 = 10 tens = 1 hundred 0 tens. Write 0 under tens, carry 1 to hundreds place.

III. Add hundreds. 1 (carry up) + 4 + 9 + 4 = 18 hundreds = 1 thousand 8 hundreds. Write 8 under hundreds, carry 1 to thousands place.

IV. Add thousands. 1 (carry up) + 1 + 8 + 5 = 15 thousands = 1 ten thousand 5 thousands. Write 5 under thousands, carry 1 to ten thousand place.

V. Add ten thousands. 1 (carry up) + 3 + 6 + 2 = 12. Write 12 under ten thousands.

Therefore, the sum of 31452, 68913 and 25438 is 125803.

Word Problems on Addition of 5-Digit Numbers:

1. In a city there are 76,329 men, 82,456 women and 43,528 children. What is the total population of the city.


Number of men                                =   76,329

Number of women                            =   82,456

Number of children                           =   43,528

Therefore, total population of the city = 2,02,313

5-Digit Numbers Word Problem

2. A house building corporation built 13,785 flats in the year 2012 and 21,307 flats in the year 2013. How many flats were built in two years?


Number of flats built in 2012 =   13,785

Number of flats built in 2013 =   21,307

Therefore, total number of

flats built in two years          =   35,092

5-Digit Numbers Word Problems

Questions and Answers on Addition of 5-Digit Numbers:

1. Find the sum:

(i) 96543 + 28321

(ii) 30542 + 16224 + 131

(iii) 76948 + 54132 + 7542


1. (i) 124864

(ii) 46897

(iii) 138622

2. Find the sum of the smallest 5-digit number and largest 4-digit number.


2. 19999

3. What number is

(i) 370 more than 75378?

(ii) 2245 more than 84364?


3. (i) 75748

(ii) 86609

4. A library has French books works $27,489, English books worth $42,850 and other language books worth $82,596. Find the total worth of books that the library has.


4. $152935

5. A bulb factory manufactured 82,500 bulbs in the month of May, 70,500 in the month of June and 31,650 in the month of July. Find the total number of bulbs the factory manufactured in all the three months.


5. 184650

6. The female population of a village in 20,524. The male population is 350 more than the female population. What is the male population? What is the total population?


6. Male Population: 20874

Total Population: 341398

7. In a godown there are 25,758 bags of rice, 19,624 bags of wheat and 28,540 bags of sugar. Find the total number of bags in the godown.


7. 73922

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