3rd Grade Addition Worksheet

In 3th Grade Addition Worksheet we will solve how to addition of 3-digit numbers without regrouping, addition of three 3-digit numbers without regrouping, addition of 3-digit numbers with regrouping, addition of Three 3-digit numbers with regrouping, properties of addition, estimating the sum and word problems on 3-digit addition.

1. 600 + 100 = ……………… 

2. 111 + 222 = ……………… 

3. 416 + 532 = ……………… + 416

4. 304 + ……………… = 408 + 304

5. 347 + 0 = ………………

6. 247 + (123 + 51) = (……………… + 123) + 51

7. Successor of 299 is ………………

8. Predecessor of 301 is ………………

9. There are 200 brown rabbits and 50 white rabbits. How many total rabbits are there in the jungle?

10. When zero is added to a number, the sum is ………………

11. There were 243 blue birds and 145 black birds in the park. How many birds are there in the park?

12. Write the numerals and then add:

(i) Seven hundred fifty-five and one hundred sixty-six

(ii) Five hundred eighty, two hundred forty-four and one hundred seventeen

(iii) Two hundred twenty-five and one hundred ninety-seven

(iv) Three hundred sixteen, two hundred twenty-eight and two hundred forty-one

13. Add the following numbers:

(i) 267 + 32

(ii) 193 + 578

(iii) 245 + 500

(iv) 241 + 261

(v) 403 + 89

(vi) 298 + 567 + 132

14. Add the following:

(i) 198 + 461 + 100

(ii) 213 + 167 + 533

(iii) 521 + 124 + 104

(iv) 492 + 273 + 163

(v) 605 + 154 + 212

(vi) 226 + 30 + 135

(vii) 606 + 150 + 102

(viii) 156 + 203 + 411

15. Solve the following word problems:

(i) 233 people attended a meeting in State A and 746 people attended meeting in State B. How many people in total attended the meeting?

(ii) A Builder took 369 days to complete Building A, 213 days to complete Building B and 367 days to complete Building C. How many days a builder took to build all the three buildings?

(iii) In a garden, there are 416 green grapes on a grapevine, 209 apples on an apple tree and 327 mangoes on a mango tree. Calculate total number of fruits in the garden.

(iv) 273 boys took part in the Parade. 100 girls more than the boys took part in the parade. How many total number of children participated in the parade?

(v) 358 cold drink bottles were loaded on a truck. 603 more bottles were loaded next day. How many bottles were loaded in all?

(vi) Jane is reading a book. If she is on 287 page number and she has to read 154 pages more. How many pages are there in the book?

(vii) A cloth store sold 578 shirts and 397 trousers in the month of October. How many clothes were sold in all?

16. Solve the following word problems on addition of 4-digit numbers:

(i) There are 2576 boys and 1894 girls studying in a school. What is the total number of students in the school?

(ii) In a city there are 3236 cars, 1327 scooters and 4218 bikes. How many vehicles there in the city?

(iii) A poultry form produced 1239, 2378, 1156 eggs in three days consecutively. How many eggs altogether are produced in these days?

(iv) Mr. John bought portable T.V. set for $3845, washing machine for $2738 and transistor for $847. How much did he play in all?

(v) In a school library, there are 1968 books on English, 1735 books on Mathematics 876 books on science and 2056 story books. How many books are there in the library?

(vi) In a garden, there are 1863 apple trees, 1077 mango trees, 978 guava trees and 169 orange trees. How many trees are there in the garden?

17. There is a letter for each addition problems. Write the letter in the box matching that to the answer of general knowledge questions.

3rd Grade Addition Games


1. 700

2. 333

3. 532

4. 408

5. 347

6. 247

7. 300

8. 300

9. 250

10. number itself

11. 388

12. (i) 921

(ii) 941

(iii) 422

(iv) 793

13. (i) 299

(ii) 771

(iii) 745

(iv) 502

(v) 492

(vi) 997

14. (i) 759

(ii) 973

(iii) 749

(iv) 928

(v) 971

(vi) 391

(vii) 858

(viii) 770

15. (i) 979

(ii) 949

(iii) 952

(iv) 646

(v) 961

(vi) 441

(vii) 975

16. (i) 4470

(ii) 8781

(iii) 4773

(iv) $ 7430

(v) 6635

(vi) 4087

17. Capital of India - NEW DELHI

      National river of India - GANGA

      National animal of India - TIGER

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