Numbers from 100 to 199

Learn the numerals of the numbers from 100 to 199. Every number is 1 more than the number just before it. We know the greatest two digit number is ninety nine. It is written as 99.

99 is a number with two symbols, the symbol on the left tells the number of tens. Thus, 99 means 9 tens and 9 more.

1 more than 99 is given the name of one hundred. It is written as 100.

99 + 1 = 1 hundred

9 tens + 1 ten = 10 tens

10 tens = 1 hundred

Note: 100 is the first three-digit number. It is 1 more than 99. It is equal to ten tens.

Table from 100 to 199

Numbers from 100 to 199

We see the following specialties in the numerals from 100 to 199:

(i) In each column and in each row, the digit in the hundred’s place is the same, i.e., 1. The digit in all the numbers from 100 to 199 in the hundred’s place is one.

(ii) In each column the digit in the ten’s place is the same, i.e., the digit in the ten’s place from 100 to 109 is 0, from 110 to 119 is 1, from 120 to 129 is 2, from 130 to 139 is 3, from 140 to 149 is 4, from 150 to 159 is 5, from 160 to 169 is 6, from 170 to 179 is 7, from 180 to 189 is 8 and from 190 to 199 is 9.

(iii) In each column, the digits in one’s places are in ascending order from 0 to 9. Thus, each succeeding number in a column increases by 1.

(iv) In each row, each succeeding number increases by 10, i.e., 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180 and 190.

(v) The numerals from 100 to 199 are formed by placing 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, ……………, 30, …………….., 40, ………………., 50, ………………., 60, 61, …………., 70, ………….., 80, ……………., 90, …………….., 99 in order after 1.

(v) In each three-digit number from 100 to 199, the hundred’s place is 1, and all the numerals from 100 to 199 are made by putting one-digit numbers and two-digit numbers continuously at ten’s and one’s places, i.e., from 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, …………., 20, 21, 22, ……………, 30, …………….., 40, ………………., 50, ………………., 60, 61, …………., 70, ………….., 80, ……………., 90, …………….. to 99.

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