Worksheet on Calculating Selling Price and Cost Price

We will practice the questions given in the worksheet on calculating selling price and cost price.

1. A cycle was bought for $ 1225 and sold at a gain of $ 100. Find the Selling Price of the cycle.

2. A radio is bought at $ 550 and sold at a profit of $ 35 after spending $ 20 on its repairs. Find the Selling Price.

3. A refrigerator is sold at $ 10525 at a profit of $ 925. What was the Cost Price of the refrigerator?

4. A boom seller sold 50 books for $ 890.00 and earned a profit of $ 90.00. Find the Cost Price of 50 books.

5. Sam bought 100 bars of shop. He sold then all at a rate of $ 6.20 each and made a profit of $ 50. At what rate did he buy them?

6. Fill in the blanks:

(i) If the Cost Price of an article is greater than the Selling Price, we have a _________.

(ii) Selling Price = Cost Price - _________.

(iii) Cost Price = Selling Price + _________.

(iv) Cost Price + _________ = Selling Price

(v) Selling Price + _________ = Cost Price

7. Ron bought a cycle for $ 800 and sold it at a loss of $ 160. What is his selling price?

8. Jack bought a car for $ 50,000. He spent $ 5000 on repairs. He sold the car at a profit of $ 5000. At what price did he sell the car?

9. Derek bought cloth for $ 800. He spent $ 200 for stitching a shirt. He sold the shirt for $ 1175. Find the profit.

10. The cost of a cycle is $ 950 and that of a scooter is $ 23,500. He sold them together for $ 25,000. Find his profit.

Answers for the worksheet on calculating selling price and cost price are below.


1. $ 1325

2. $ 605

3. $ 9600

4. $ 800

5. $ 5.70 per box

6. (i) Loss

(ii) Loss

(iii) Gain

(iv) Gain

(v) Loss

7. $ 640

8. $ 60,000

9. $ 175

10. $ 550

Profit and Loss.

Formulas of Profit and Loss.

Finding Profit or Loss

Calculating Cost Price

Calculating Selling Price

To find Cost Price or Selling Price when Profit or Loss is given.

Worksheet on Profit and Loss.

5th Grade Math Problems

5th Grade Math Worksheets

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