Practice the math worksheet on third grade measurement of mass. We know, the standard unit of mass is kilogram (kg) and the smaller unit of mass is gram (g). The relation between these units will help us to solve different types of problems on measuring mass or weight.
1. What are the main standard units of mass or weight?
2. Fill in the gaps:
(i) 1 quintal = ................. kg
(ii) 1 kg = ................. gram
3. Convert the following into gram:
(i) 15 kg
(ii) 8 kg 60 g
(iii) 9 kg 375 gram
Convert the following in kg and g:
(i) 5000 gram
(ii) 6729 g
(iii) 9005 g
5. Solve the following:
(i) 36 kg 285 g – 12 kg 578 g
(ii) 5 kg 275 g + 2 kg 125 g
(iii) 8 kg 095 g – 6 kg 235 g
(iv) 1 kg 250 g + 0 kg 750 g
6. A bag contained 5 kg of rice. Out of this 1 kg of rice was old. How much rice was left in the bag?
7. Nancy purchased 6 kg 500 g rice, 1 kg 250 g flour and 2 kg sugar. How much rice was left in the bag?
8. There are two bags of rice containing 10 kg in total. One bag contains 5 kg 100 g. How much rice is in the other bag?
9. There boys weight 48 kg, 42 kg and 43 kg 500 g respectively. Find their total weight.
Answers for the worksheet on third grade measurement of mass are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on standard units of mass.
1. Kilograms and gram.
2. (i) 100 kg
(ii) 1000 g
3. (i) 15000 g
(ii) 8060 g
(iii) 9375 g
4. (i) 5 kg
(ii) 6 kg 729 g
(iii) 9 kg 5 g
5. (i) 23 kg 707 g
(ii) 7 kg 400 g
(iii) 1 kg 860 g
(iv) 2 kg
6. 3 kg 220 g
7. 9 kg 750 g
8. 4 kg 900 g
9. 133 kg 500 g
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