Practice the questions given in the worksheet on exact divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
I. Solve the following:
(i) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 2?
28, 35, 46, 123, 362, 454, 517, 56, 60, 915, 188, 433, 918, 338
(ii) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 3?
26, 96, 243, 3471, 542, 321, 607, 521, 993, 429, 609, 421, 552, 620
(iii) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 4?
64, 127, 538, 2459, 6796, 3258, 923, 464, 2942, 608, 152, 497, 318, 824
(iv) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by
1358, 4205, 256, 1090, 1994, 6232, 8210, 9305, 2368, 5255, 4378, 9235, 1907, 2490, 5354, 3967, 5500, 4805
(v) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 6?
236, 1254, 9276, 6054, 390, 9382, 6834, 3285, 4260, 5376, 949, 368, 2188
(vi) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 7?
2975, 3570, 1617, 888, 4321, 6540, 385, 9436, 6400, 9507, 2408, 2913, 9912
(vii) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 8?
1232, 3072, 5794, 2384, 1696, 5931, 2960, 7350, 3677, 5210, 3241, 1824, 7213
(viii) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 9?
989, 783, 792, 1062, 824, 3972, 3879, 5608, 9909, 5499, 5515, 4328, 1639
(ix) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 10?
560, 385, 9100, 7852, 4670, 5691, 7221, 5880, 7295, 5210, 1345, 2680, 3400
(x) Which of the following numbers are neither exactly divisible by 4 not by 7?
15, 21, 28, 35, 29, 41, 18, 252, 421, 518, 221, 56, 280, 352
(xi) There are some of the following numbers which are exactly divisible by 5 as well as 10. Find them.
10, 15, 18, 25, 30, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 62, 65, 70, 72, 75, 80, 82, 90, 95
(xii) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 8?
1234, 1232, 3800, 4072, 2905, 3505, 1725, 2417
(xiii) Which of the following numbers are not exactly divisible by 3?
345, 76, 1236, 56934, 9975, 3629, 2417, 6540
(xiv) Find the numbers which are exactly divisible by 3 and 8 both.
15, 24, 32, 54, 48, 56, 96, 76, 120
(xv) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 4?
68, 131, 542, 2463, 6800, 3262, 927, 468, 2946, 612, 156, 501, 322, 828
(xvi) Which of the following numbers are exactly divisible by 6?
242, 1260, 9282, 6060, 396, 9388, 6840, 3291, 4266, 5382, 955, 374, 2194II. Fill up the first four circles with the numbers, exactly divisible by 10, the next four circles with the numbers, exactly divisible by 6, the next four circles with the numbers, exactly divisible by 8 and the last four circles with the numbers, exactly divisible by 7.
III. Fill in the blanks:
(i) A number is exactly divisible by 2 if it is an _______ number.
(ii) A number ends with 0, is exactly divisible by 5 and _______ .
(iii) A number, exactly divisible by 2 and 3, is also exactly divisible by _______ .
IV. Find the missing digit of each number, exactly divisible by 9.
(i) 43_5
(ii) 5_38
(iii) 243_
(iv) _632
(v) 7_49
(vi) 290_
(vii) 62_1
(viii) 73_4
(ix) 527_
V. Circle the numbers which are exactly divisible by the numbers in bold.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) |
3 6 5 9 2 10 |
648, 394, 1730, 4269, 8700, 4193, 2841, 6780 2413, 2640, 5724, 925, 1410, 1221, 4293, 7290 1290, 2455, 2721, 5900, 1073, 2421, 7390, 4255 378, 729, 633, 1467, 3831, 3232, 1080, 367, 4281 421, 1794, 9560, 9237, 4208, 4308, 248, 5268 3205, 4600, 5410, 9008, 3470, 6805, 2430, 6995 |
Answers for the worksheet on exact divisibility are given below.
I. (i) 28, 46, 362, 454, 56, 60, 188, 918, 338
(ii) 96, 243, 3471, 321, 993, 429, 609, 552
(iii) 64, 6796, 464, 608, 152, 824
(iv) 4205, 1090, 8210, 9305, 5255, 9235, 2490, 5500, 4805
(v) 1254, 9276, 6054, 390, 6834, 4260, 5376
(vi) 2975, 3570, 1617, 385, 9436, 2408, 9912
(vii) 1232, 3072, 2384, 1696, 2960, 1824
(viii) 783, 792, 1062, 3879, 9909, 5499
(ix) 560, 9100, 4670, 5880, 5210, 2680, 3400
(x) 15, 29, 41, 18, 421, 221
(xi) 10, 30, 40, 50, 70, 80, 90
(xii) 1232, 3800, 4072
(xiii) 76, 3629, 2417
(xiv) 24, 48, 96, 120
(xv) 68, 6800, 468, 612, 156, 828
(xvi) 1260, 9282, 6060, 396, 6840, 4266, 5382
III. (i) even
(ii) 10
(iii) 6
(iv) 9
IV. (i) 4365
(ii) 5238
(iii) 2430
(iv) 7632
(v) 7749
(vi) 2907
(vii) 6201
(viii) 7344
(ix) 5274
V. (i) 648, 4269, 8700, 2841, 6780
(ii) 2640, 5724, 1410, 7290
(iii) 1290, 2455, 5900, 7390, 4255
(iv) 378, 729, 1467, 1080
(v) 1794, 9560, 4208, 4308, 248, 5268
(vi) 4600, 5410, 3470, 2430
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