In 5th grade worksheet 1 let’s solve the 10 questions.
1. The smallest whole number is ................ .
2. The smallest natural number is ............... .
3. There is ...................... largest whole number because each number has its ................... .
4. Counting numbers starts from ................ .
5. Successor of 1, 64, 539 is .................. .
6. Predecessor of 700000 is .............. .
7. Put <, > or =
(a) 3674548 ........... 637454.
(b) 10001 ............ 9999.
(c) 99999 + 1 .......... 100000.
8. Write the place value of 7 in 647321.
9. Subtract the place value of 5 from its place value in the numeral 35340.
10. Smallest 5-digit number is ................ of largest 4–digit number.
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